The ring finger


New Metal Member
Jan 20, 2004
Do you have the same problem with your ring finger ? That he is aboslutely immobile regarding to the other fingers ?
But my little finger (or pinkie? *lol*) is very trained and powerful.

My ring finger seems often to be "bar the way"

That sucks, i cant move my ring finger without moving my little finger :erk:
The ring finger is a lazy fellow. All people have the same problem. I sometimes think its on the way becoming a rudiment and in some million years people would walk around four-fingered. Anyway, I heard that highly advanced violin or piano players have their ring finger as agile as the others. Strange thing though...

I think I have an explanation to this. Humans have adapted to use there thumb, index and middle fingers to do most of the work, thus the tendons/muscles controling these fingers are stronger and respond better to signals from the brain. It would be like constantly lifting weights with one arm for years, and not lifting with the other.
This takes a lot of patients to work out of your playing, try doing lots of legato exercises on using just your pinky, ring and index..if you dont do this, you could end up hitting a brick wall in your guitar learning..I also suggest those finger hand builders you can find in most sports or music stores..
when i first started learning my "3-note per string" modes, i deliberately alternated my practice by sometimes using my middle finger, and sometimes using my ring finger for the second note of each string.

now, i can use EITHER finger for my playing, depending on the needs of the music.

another useful excercise is from the first paul gilbert video, using the D and G strings, starting at the 9th fret:

G ------------9-----------------9-11-12-11-9---------
D ---9-10-12----12-10-9-10-12----------------12-10-- REPEAT

play this as alternate picked 16th notes, and ALL your fingers should improve
man ever seeing romeo play i've been doing the 134 instead of the 123,keeps the pinky pretty busy ;)

though every once after like 1000 notes i see myself doing 123 for certain lick :|

i want to ask a question maybe yngvai can answer: tapping arpeggios romeo style, do u use the pinky or the ring?