
Heavenly Call

Jul 30, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Can someone describe as best as possible the technique of "sweeping" I see on here all the time? I have been playing guitar for about 10 years and probaly already do this, but just haven't heard it called "sweeping" until now. THat usually happens to me because I've never taken any lessons so don't know all the terminology. Thanks!
sweeping usually refers to the technique of sweep arpeggios that is popular with guitarists, especially those with "neo-classical" influences. the basic sweep arpeggio begins on the 5th string and, with one fluid motion, pick each string with a downward motion (but not strumming) until you reach the first string. this is sometimes followed by the reciprocal motion upwards from the first string up to the 5th. the notes played are a basic triad, and with a bit of practice its easy to get a sweep arpeggio down. there are numerous examples of this technique in metal, my favorite being in testament's enter the pit. yngwie malmsteen sounds like he would be another example, however he does not sweep. instead, he alternate picks his arpeggios. hope this helps.
Yngwie sweeps all his arpeggios.

Sweeping can be used for anything that requires one stroke to follow through to the next sting ie: anything 1-note-per string patterns. It doesn't have to be arpeggios, but arps are the most common application.

Successful sweeping involves rolling the fingers off each note when you get to the next to avoid notes ringing together.

Vinnie Moore's "Advanced lead guitar" video might be a good place to start for beginning sweepers.
Sweeping is, at it's most basic, when you pick an arpeggio all in one direction, rather than alternate picking, where you'd play one note up and the next down, etc. So basically, your pick always heads in the direction of the next note your playing.

That's basic and doesn't really explain it well, but that's the bare bones definition, and the actual musical one.

Frank Gambale's sweeps are insane! he doesn't just sweep a certain pattern once, sometimes it's consecutive patterns up & down the neck! argh!!! the other superb sweeper is Vinnie Moore, the speed & accuracy of his sweep is simply jaw dropping!

but for those of us who would wanna hear the sweep technique in the metal context, then grab a Myrkskog release now (especially Superior Massacre)! Destructor's sweeps are incorporated into his grinds :eek: he somehow makes the sweep an angry, technical, element- pure genius!
Sweeps dont have to begin on the 5th string....even in arpeggios...................................but..............another type of sweeping is economic picking.....with sorta sweeps...but really doesnt.....
Actually, I think sweeping is one of the techniques better suited to small handed players, certainly when using standad chord shapes and typical ideas for sweeping.
Something like legato involves much more stretching, and especially when you get into skipping strings (see Brett Garsed's 4 notes per string with skipping.....mind blowing).

When you sweep arpeggios, more often than not, all the strings are next to each other, so there's not much stretching involved. Often it's the opposite; you're having to squeeze your fingers together, especially higher up the neck.