Sweet Nurse shirts!


professional amateur
Feb 16, 2002
Just thought I'd inform you all. Ebay has Sweet Nurse shirts up for bid right now. I already won myself one, now the dreaded wait.....watching the mailbox.
Originally posted by zzz
I saw the SAW YOU DROWN EP go up to $80 something dollars, gee wizz! I wonder who won it?

Noone :lol: Something very strange happened to it, it was at 80 $ the last time i looked, like you said, and when checking it a bit later the auction was closed saying something like "The seller broke the item" i think :lol: . This is so strange, i mean how can someone just break Saw you drown!!?? I mean if it was for a band like Hanson or The Kelly Familiy i'd say:Yippee he broke it ;)

Strange things happen...
Originally posted by falling bird
Noone :lol: Something very strange happened to it, it was at 80 $ the last time i looked, like you said, and when checking it a bit later the auction was closed saying something like "The seller broke the item" i think :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: another proof that some human beings are utterly stupid :D
the sinner shall burn in hell......
:lol: damn.... Yea, I'm still on the search for a Katatonia shirt that fits. :)

A lot of ppl do that on ebay, they put something up not thinking it's worth a lot and when they realize it is, they pull it off.

Either that, or they know it's worth a lot and see how much the others are going for and when it looks like theirs isn't going to go for as much, they pull it off also.

If I ever get Saw You Drown...I'm putting it in a glass case with lazers around it...with my very own team of snipers :D