SX and 7/8-string guitar ....


Sep 1, 2009
i don't know if they did it before but don't you think it would be cool if they use it on their heavier stuff ??
I hope they don't make any more heavier stuff any time soon but maybe. Devin Townsend uses a 7 string and I think it sounds great.
I think they should use whatever instrument is necessary to produce the sounds they wish to produce. If they means that they start playing downtuned mandolins, then I'm all for it.
I think they should use whatever instrument is necessary to produce the sounds they wish to produce. If they means that they start playing downtuned mandolins, then I'm all for it.

Yep, same, doesn't matter to me. I've never listened to a good SX song and thought "wow, they really need some more range in the guitars." But if they could make it work it's not like I'd complain.
It's not the instrument that has become's the players.

Exactly. It's the players with their ultra-low tune chugga-chugga riffing.

As Progbass, I too don't see why they should go any lower than D tuning. It works fine for them.
I remember reading an interview with Romeo saying he doesn't need a 7th string for what he does, but I'm not entirely sure on this one.

Personally, I wouldn't mind him using a 7-string, as long as the riffs aren't entirely based the the lowest string.
No he's always used a 4 string, even his Caparison is a 4 string.

Personally I most often play on 5-string...that just fits me the best(offtopic :D)

Me too. I started on a 5, so that 5th string is an anchor of sorts for my thumb. I rarely even use that extra fat string, but I'm just so used to it that playing a 4 is awkward.

But back on topic. Some bands really benefit from using a 7-string, such as Adagio (I'm pretty sure Stephan always uses the 7, and their bassist is a beast with his 6). But who uses an 8-string?! What would the bass even play that wouldn't instantly sound like mud?!
The low end is the bassist's responsibility. Tuning higher is more interesting.

I *do* have and use a 7 string, but I use the B string for open chords higher up.
Tuning higher is more interesting.
Does any band actually do that? Play in, say, F# tuning? I think I saw a Rush tab once where the guitars where tuned up one full step, but that was probably bollocks. (EDIT: That was a tab for "The Big Money", and it appears to be true... Alex tunes up to gain access to some different harmonics for his oddjob solo.)

As for bass preferences, I'm a four string guy all the way. Five string basses have always felt cumbersome and top-heavy to me, and their neck is just too wide for my short fingers.