Sx In Toronto


Jul 30, 2002
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FU***NGGGGGGGGGGG AMAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING SHOW !!!!!!!!! was front row , the club they played at sucked , was a sold out show , could hold 250 people , i am sure they would have sold out to more if it was a bigger venue , but the sound was AMAZING THIS TIME , than the last time they played at OPERA HOUSE !!!! MICHAEL ROMEO IS A GOD :P EVERYTHING HE DOES IS SO PERFECT , never misses a note and russell allen's voice just incredible ( only if he writes better lyrics though :P ) anyway , the whole band was just unbelievable , the set was >>> not in order

inferno , wicked , accolade part 1 and 2 , king of terrors , smoke and mirrors , off sins and shadows , communion and the oracle and finishing it off with the odyssey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST AMAZING !!!

devin townsend was great too !!!! singer is awesome !! great riffs !!!!

i wanted to meed the guys from SX at the end , especially romeo , but the mother fuckers towed my car ... lmao ..... so that didn't work out , this night cost me more than i thought hahahaha , bought a ticket from a scalper with my friends and 120 dollars for towing hahaha , BUT WORTH IT :D
I WISH I could've gone...but it was I'm pissed.

Club Rocket is the official worst place they could EVER play....that place is a matchbox, and if there ever was a fire, everyone would die. Even lame-o battle of the bands people don't want to play there...*rolls eyes*

Oh well. Glad to hear you had fun. I would've killed to have seen the Oddysey....damn. :(
damn it lol , i always forget to say it all in my post , but yeah they do play evolution :P
who ever misses this show is crazy lol ..... well they said after this tour , they will be workin on a new album , so by spring next year they should have one :D can't wait
I was there,, Yes, the club SUCKED!! way too small. and the crowd was alittle to Quit for my taste. I think I was pissing some people off cuz I was screaming so much and stuff. But hey its a concert your suppose to be loud and have alot of fun, right?? :)
Anyways they were AWESOME!!!
Can't wait till this Sat. in Cleveland.. WOOOWOO,
Lets go!!
SXProgMetal said:
...and russell allen's voice just incredible ( only if he writes better lyrics though :P )...
Are you joking? These guys write some of the most intelligent and well crafted lyrics I've ever heard in metal. They're like poetry! Please tell me you were joking!
oh hell :)) yes they do play sea of lies too , god damn it !!!!!!!!!!!!

well the lyrics are cool , but it could be better !!! and no i wasn't joking , anyway lyrics don't matter to me that much , i just LOVE the band , their music is amazing and russell's voice is incredible and that's what matters to me :)