sx opening for strato crap

Haha, what do you expect them to do bro?

One day Stratovarius calls them up and goes "hey Symphony X, want to open for our European tour?" and they reply "yeah, that sounds cool, except can we headline instead?" That's just not courteous at all; in fact, I'd think Symphony X was a bunch of assholes if they even tried that stunt.
Hmm, Stratovarius suffers from Symphony X being their opener. I was there in Tampere, and after Symphony X Strato was so boring that I left after few Strato songs. And I wasn't the only one ;)

It's crazy, that Stratovarius has Symphony X and Thunderstone opening on their tour, because the both openers are much better than Strato :D
That is all based on personal oppinion. And would someone mind counting how many of this exact same thread we have going??? Honestly... and Sherval, WTF is with this... would you not have just as easily been able to reply to the existing post???