Sydney Big Day/Night of Metal for free!!!!

How does 7 bands on one day/night for free sound?
Pretty good don't it?
So here you have it:
Firstly an all ages free event at Utopia Records with:


and then a few hours later across the road at the Lansdowne for the over 18's only you get:


Oh Metal Evilution you've done it again.:)
Its sound like a good day out. Havent seen Mr. Ferret or Darker Half for ages so yeah, would be good to see him soon too. Dunno bout Lycanthia though, Dougie's band play at the Bald Faced Stag that night too. Haven't caught them yet so wouldn't mind seeing them. Travelling to and fro is a bit of a bummer though. We shall say, I'll ask for Saturday off.
Adrian, we're not on till midnight some time, so do what I'm doing and go catch Dougie's band Anubis, then come watch us at the Lansdowne.
Adrian, we're not on till midnight some time, so do what I'm doing and go catch Dougie's band Anubis, then come watch us at the Lansdowne.

Shit dude, what band do you play in??? TBH im a lazy ass and cbf going to see darker half, then Anubis, then go to the city again, then go back home again, then catch a taxi from Fairfield (if there is one) and have the possibility of being bashed by gangsters (its sad that this affects my decision on what gigs to attend but its valid). On top of this if Im rostered to work Saturday night I'm stuffed coz the other guy can't do it if I need to swap with him. So yeah, begging I don't have to work. Can't wait til I quit Woolies.