Symphonic Black Metal Mix - Where am i going wrong ?


Dec 8, 2008
Any ideas would help here lads. Not sure what to pull out / back or what to re-shape as i cant put my finger on what doesnt work.

I dont think its the drums. Imo i think its the interaction of the orchestration with the guitars and then the body on the vocals. But even with 3 hours tweaking this is as far as i've gotten

Mix over view;
drums - s2
orchestration - east west
guitars - axfx / mesa
bass - sansamp / ampeg
vocals - sm7b

dont hear the bass or its very low...not digging the drums at all maybe change the drums(kick-snare) .... everything else sounds cool!
+1 on what greg said

guitars sound quite narrow to me, vocals are super low but they sound quite good
Bass has strange clickiness but no body at all
strings sound really cool
kick and snare too

Yeah i just pulled my head out of the sand n had some rest (been working 50 hour weeks) and hear the bass / guitar issues you n greg have brought up.

Shouldnt take much to fix that :)
