Symphonic Chaos


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
First of all, thanks for taking the time to talk with UM! What is your name and what role do you play in the band?

My name is Geoff Bailey. Symphonic Chaos is mainly a solo project so i do everything. Guitars, bass, drums, vocals and string arrangements

You’re a multitalented man then! What do you consider your best instrument?

Definately guitar. I've played since i was about 10 years old so thats the instrument that i focus on.

Where do you hail from?

Canberra Australia

Who do you consider major influences?

Emperor, Dissection, Suffocation, Morbid angel, Nile, Nicolo Paganini,

From where else do you draw inspiration?

I listen to alot of classical musicians like Paganini, Gerald Garcia, Bach. I am fascinated with the whole classical music concept. Its not unlike metal in its complexity and its creation of such richly textured soundscapes. Some old classic metal cd's inspire me too, like Rust in Peace, Seasons in the Abyss, Blessed are the sick.

What's your local scene like?

Local scene has been dead for many years. Decent bands don't even consider coming here anymore. Though i found out today that Pungent Stench are coming out in January 2003. That will be cool!

I’ve heard lots of Aussies say that before! How should people go about hearing your music?

They can hear most of the songs from Sterilizing the Unworthy on, or they can purchase our CD from the website which is

If you could play a gig with 3 other bands, who would they be?

Emperor, Dissection, Suffocation

What's your best gig memory?

The best gig I can remember was Deicide. They were as heavy as anything and the sound was awesome. Morbid and Cradle of Filth were cool too though.

What's your worst?

Probably seeing Napalm death on their last tour. That was crap

Controversial! Not a Napalm Death fan? Or was the show just shite?

I'm not a huge Napalm death fan. I loved Harmony corruption but didn't really get into anything else of theirs. Their singer was really annoying at the gig and the sound was pretty average. I remember there was a really good mosh going on and he yelled out "NO FIGHTING FOR NAPALM!"

Would you describe your sound as Hot or Cold?

Our sound would be hot, but played from coldest of hearts.

What are you plans for the future?

My plans are to keep writing and recording music that I like to listen to. Fuck what other people think of it

This is a good attitude, but one that could easily stop you from achieving wider recognition, how do you feel about that?

I'm not too concerned about it. I'd like to get my music out to a wider crowd but if it means sacrificing my originality or creativity then i won't do it. I realized long ago that it is virtually impossible to make a decent living being a musician, so its more of a hobby, or an outlet for my opinions and emotions. If people get into it then thats cool and would make we happy, but in the end i'm going to still make music for myself, even if no-one else ever hears it. I think that my new cd will appeal to a wider crowd in that its more catchy and accessable in the first listen, whereas "Sterilizing the Unworthy" takes a few listens to fully get whats going on.

Which song of yours do you think people should listen to before any other?

Well that would be Symphomaniac I think. That one pretty much sums up my style.

If you could sign to any label, which would it be?

Relapse Records would be good. They have a lot of diverse stuff and seem to always be signing new and impressive acts.

What's your favourite album of all time, and why?

Its a tie between Suffocation - Pierced from Within, and Dissection - The Somberlain. I can't decide

What was the main reason you became a musician?

I've always loved music and played guitar from an early age. I can't say what got me into it, but without it I would be an empty shell of a person.

How would you like to be remembered?

To be remembered at all would be a good start, but for contributing something valid in the musical world would be even better. Immortality through art!

What single location would you love to play a gig at?

I'd like to play at the Wakken festival.

What do you think of the current metal magazines? Which rock, and which suck?

I haven't really read any of them since I was much younger. There are some pretty cool metal websites though.

Cheers, I’ll take that as a compliment! If you were asked to supply three reasons why people should listen to you, what would they be?

I think my music is original and not for the faint hearted.
It should please most extreme music fans and take them to soundscapes as yet unexplored.
The metal world these-days is crammed with a lot of regurgitated, uncreative and uninspired rubbish and occasionally you might want to hear something different from all that, so pick up a copy of Sterilizing the Unworthy and indulge.

And finally, any message for your fans and the UM masses?


Thanks for all your answers!