Symphony of the Night (poem)


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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In this eternal sleep
I harbor things of mind
Twisted towers bow to my symphony play
And wild fires are here for me to slay
As silver liquid rivers become affray
While fog arises from its pores at Dawn's wake
Stars revive the night in air and lake
Stabbing through the fog like a firery stake
And all this and more for me to take
This night symphony led by wolf cries
A solo carried by cricket sighs
Then joined by the owls' lies
As stars send morse code to fireflies
"Beware, behind the hills Dawn still thrives!"
Creatures of the myth then rise
To stalk jubilent minds
Then bolt with stolen emotional finds
And all this in sleep...
Never do we think our imaginations do creep
Into the cracks of insanity they seep
Grasping at all they can to reap
In a desprate attempt to be free
Of this world, of you and me
So here I lie in eternal rest
Harboring forever Night's crest
All alone in my dirt cell
Far away from the world's vicous knell
But always awaiting my still lively love, Isabelle