Symphony X at Northern Light


Jul 22, 2007
A bunch of us went last Friday night (The 13th) Been a big listener since only 2000 and had no idea what I had been missing for 5 years. Most people have never heard of them, prog metal isnt what you'd call mainstream. Mianstream is for wankers anyhow. It was a great show and Ive got to take the time to get the new CD as its the only one I dont have besides the first EP.

Russell Allen is the best Metal Vocalist period (excluding the untouchable Tate). Hes got the grit and power but can sing all the other moods involved with their music as well. Unlike alot of other vocalists he gets it done live too.

We had a very small crowd but there was no lack of enthousiasm. As Russell said "Ah, we are small but we are mighty".

On the down side I will say the soundman had his head clear up his butt and I was a bit pissed. As soon as they started playing it was obvious the drums were on top, over powering everything including the vocals. The guitar, bass and keys just had no chance in hell of cutting through. Such a shame too because the second band, Echoes of Eternity had great sound and you could hear everybody. Sym X was so loud and with the balance far favoring the drums it was a bit ......... distorted and Im not talking good distortion. So I hope someone gets word of this to the boys and they fire that fool. I see people that went this week in Canada said the same thing. I see their touring Europe with DT so they better get a good soundman.

I'd like to comment on Romeos guitar playing which we all know is top shelf along with his composition skills but really they all were just background music for the drums ..............:cry:

My highlight was in the end, after Odyssey when Allen was shaking hands with the people up front, he spotted me in the back with my power fists in the air, did a double take, pointed his mic and gave one back with a nod. Great frontman he is.

Next up is Kamelot at The Chance in Poughkeepsie, then maybe Edguy. That will be four for the year with Queensryche back during the winter.
See, and I dont know much about it cause I dont have it. I thought I read something I apparently didnt.
well, for the price of the self-titled could take a lovely lady out to a classy dinner at Burger King and possibly (if you both eat lightly) have mony left over for condoms afterwards.
And here I thought I was the only person who reads these forums that was at that show... :kickass:

I didn't notice any issues with the balance, though I was right up front so perhaps we were just in different areas of the crowd and thus getting a bit different sound. They slayed regardless, and the fact that the local opening band had a song about Battlestar Galactica (the new version) made me almost pee my pants. Sadly at 24 years of age I felt like I was the oldest person there by at least a few years :erk:

And here I thought I was the only person who reads these forums that was at that show... :kickass:

I didn't notice any issues with the balance, though I was right up front so perhaps we were just in different areas of the crowd and thus getting a bit different sound. They slayed regardless, and the fact that the local opening band had a song about Battlestar Galactica (the new version) made me almost pee my pants. Sadly at 24 years of age I felt like I was the oldest person there by at least a few years :erk:/QUOTE]

Yea I was behind the small crowd back toward the bar and soundboard by the posts, where the main speakers had room to breath, so I was hearing what the soundman apparently was not.

I only heard a few songs by the first band but I liked it, good groove which def had a Maiden feel.

You are right though the band did slay and the crowd was pumped.

But at 49 I think I had you beat in the old fart department :lol:
First EP? Never had an EP. Self titled is a full length, romeo also has a solo project but it is also a full length.

OK I researched and found my confused interpretation. It was the Dark Chapter demo tape that I confused with the first LP

dont know what my parents were ever thinking .......... :lol:

So how is that first one and the vocalist ? I think it might have been unavailable maybe when I first started my collection.
oh...well then you could just find the average cost of the cd at various retailers then send me that amount in a money order, then I can use it to take a lovely lady out to burger king and possibly have money left over for condoms
so I take it that means I should buy Paradise Lost and a new copy of Twilight first ? .... ah I mean after I send you that money for safe sex

wait I havent got the Kamelot tickets yet ...... sorry man you gonna have ta wait
Thats what Im afraid of, kinda like When Dream and Day Unite or John Arch Fates Warning ... just way to abrasive
It's ok, I'm a patient fellow. And yes, Kamelot tickets are a far better use of $$ than the debut.

Shit-poor singer and shit-poor production were what initially turned me off but after finally listening to the whole thing through one fateful day I realized that I should have heeded the signs. There are a few moments here and there that are good in terms of songwriting, but overall what you are hearing is a band who were not very developed at all in terms of songwriting. Paradise Lost definitely be the better purchase, not even a contest.