Symphony X Download


New Metal Member
May 3, 2006
Does anybody know where I can download Symphony X tracks? I tried i-Tunes, WalMart, and a bunch of other stores, but I haven't had any luck.
There are a few songs from each album on the site, and a few on their myspace page as well..see the 'rules and resources' thread for urls if you need them. :)
Inside Out seem to me like they are ALMOST a really good publisher. I have found SymX cd's in a couple of stores in australia and that is really great, but as far as premoting them any further well i havent really seen anything at all. Then again that might not be in their contract, but I really have no idea about that and I dont think the band would want matters like that disclosed on the net. But aaaaanyway, if I were to buy a cd I would get a hard copy, but thats just me.

Btw, how are the legal downloads proven to be legal?? Like if the police raided my house and found illegal downloads and legal downloads then how would they know which ones are legal??
The legally downloaded files contain information in them to show they are legally downloaded. For instance songs bought off iTunes have a different file extension. Not sure about other services - but just do a quick google for DRM. That's how they know! :(
Its up to us, The Fans to increase their exposure, As we all know, Symphony X are not the most Popular band, Which don't get me wrong, is a Real shame...

They deserve the most amount of exposure possible but due to their Genre its hard for them to be on the Radio... Well here in Australia Anyways...

As i've said in the IRC channel.. Me and a few friends have been playing a few different songs to poeple, We have not yet found a person who didn't run out and buy their CD's, We here in Melbourne(Australia) are increasing their exposure as much as possible ^_^

Thanks guys

Shain (Obsidian0231)