Symphony X - Iconoclast

Vicious Robbie

Faithful Neon Dreamer
Iconoclast finds the NJ quintet tearing it up in their usual way but I have to admit that the band has been able to fuse the aggression of Paradise Lost with some of the progressive elements from their past catalogue to give us one hell of a release.

9 tracks in total (12 in the special addition) this is over 60 minutes of high quality metal. There are some tracks that I feel may not be up to par (The Lords of Chaos and Light up the Night) but overall is a solid release and one of their best I feel. The riffing from Romeo is relentless and Allen is his usual self with even a little Dio thrown in (Dehumanized). The rythmn section of Lepond and Rullo delivers and Pinella's keyboard playing is more prominent than in the previous release. Yet, for all the good aggressive tracks the stand out for me my favorite is "When All is Lost", a song that really captures all of the key elements of the band and a Russell Allen in a melodic mode. Simply fantastic.

Fans of the band have nothing to fear as this is fine addition to their catalogue. Overall, one of the best releases this year.:hotjump:

Had it since Friday and I think this is awesome. The 2 disc 12 song version is the real version of the album. I read that for some reason, the record company asked them for a 1 cd version, so they shortened it. Do yourselves a favor and get the 2 disc version. The middle of disc one sounds a little like they are stuck in Paradise Lost mode, but other than that, this is a great release. Disc 1 starts strong with the title track, and ends strong with When All Is Lost, and I think disc 2 is really what makes this album as good as it is.
It's a damn good album from one of my favorite bands. I want to get the double disc version as well.

I agree Henri. I'm so jaded to the fanbois bitching about how the band needs to go back to V & DWOT. I like the heavier direction, and I LOVED Paradise Lost, and think Iconoclast is even better. 2 disc version should arrive here any day now. Can't wait, even though I've already heard it :headbang:
It's a damn good album from one of my favorite bands. I want to get the double disc version as well.

I agree Henri. I'm so jaded to the fanbois bitching about how the band needs to go back to V & DWOT. I like the heavier direction, and I LOVED Paradise Lost, and think Iconoclast is even better. 2 disc version should arrive here any day now. Can't wait, even though I've already heard it :headbang:

O man, I am in so much agreement with what you say. What a bunch of spoiled brats. 'Iconoclast' is huge by all measures I think. The Symphony X forum is lost to me because of the moaning and groaning about 'evil' Russ. I know, I know it all subjective but still, its nice to shake of my frustrations about this.
I've now heard it about 7 or 8 times in the past 10 days and I think it's better than PL too. I also feel like "evil Russ" goes away after a few listens, and the hooks start to really grab you. When All Is Lost is classic Symphony X. I haven't visited their board too often in the past 5 or 6 years, but when I heard the album leaked, I did. I was also disappointed with all the complaining about Russ' vocals and their "direction". I don't really see it...
Kinda weird that most of us old school guys can handle the changes in direction better than those so called 'progressive' types. ;)

On the other hand maybe not :kickass:
Kinda weird that most of us old school guys can handle the changes in direction better than those so called 'progressive' types. ;)

On the other hand maybe not :kickass:

Aside from the main subject (I'm not into SX), I believe that in general the metal fan is:

  1. the most loyal
  2. the one that complaints the most
regarding the second, there's always reasons to nag and thus never ever a band satisfies 100% of the fan base.

Half say that a band that dim themselves progressive must progress, and thus change is always welcome. Half say they don't like their bands changing sound, the if ain't broken don't fix it attitude.

Hard isn't it? :saint:
Let them bitch, it won't change anything. Take the case of Dream Evil. I love the fact that, by and large, each album sounds exactly the same as the last, with new songs. Many hate that about them.

Can't please everyone.
So far I am digging the new album. I like the new, somewhat, darker direction. The bass is progressively being heard more with each new album which pleases me as well.

But then again I discovered the band with "The Odyssey" (especially the title track which is one of my favorite songs ever) and bought "V" from just hearing good reviews and I was dissapointed. Not at all as good as people made it out to be. I also bought "Twilight in Olympus" which isnt very good. In alot of ways the S-X I like started with "The Odyssey".

With that being said, the songs so far havent been as memorable as in the past. Its to early for me to judge if its a matter of it not being "there" or if its one of those records that will keep growing with time.
This albums amazing when all is lost is by far my favorite song but like paradise lost there all so damn good
Aside from the main subject (I'm not into SX), I believe that in general the metal fan is:

  1. the most loyal
  2. the one that complaints the most
regarding the second, there's always reasons to nag and thus never ever a band satisfies 100% of the fan base.

Half say that a band that dim themselves progressive must progress, and thus change is always welcome. Half say they don't like their bands changing sound, the if ain't broken don't fix it attitude.

Hard isn't it? :saint:

Well, quite a few years ago, Romeo said in an interview, either on vid or in orint, that Sy-X is first and foremost a metal band.

It is human nature to complain, but I seriously think if someone descended from the skies and gave the SY-X fans DWoT or V part II, they'd still find something to bitch about. I love Iconoclast more with each listen. SY-X remains one of the very few bands that has not disappointed me with anything they've released thus far.