Symphony X - Paradise Lost


Dec 21, 2003
I assume people here have already heard it. I really enjoyed the Odyssey, but that's the onlyl Symphony X i've heard. How does the new one compare, and what other albums should i look in to? From what i've read about it... Romeo said its heavier, darker, and even more guitar-driven. just looking to see if its worth checking out...
twilight is a real hit or miss record
V is great but has an acquired production
divine wings is fucking beautiful. to me it's Odyssey's prototype.

PL hasn't hooked me at all
^ agreed, only I did like set the world on fire, serpents kiss and eve of seduction (especially that awesome chromatic solo).
I assume you know there is a search button? mwah. Like so Jk. search for it though it's already a thread brah.
A few filler songs, but overall a really killer album.

Russel Allen's singing at its finest, IMO.
I assume you know there is a search button? mwah. Like so Jk. search for it though it's already a thread brah.

i would usually do this... however, even though i haven't posted much, i check the board pretty frequently, and i didn't remember seeing anything about it.

besides... atleast i didn't ask when the dvd is coming out:lol:
I just bought this cd today and i am really enjoying it. They seem to have a darker look now and i wouldnt say this is there best cd but its really damm good.

Looking forward to August 8th when i see theese guys live.
yeah, the new cd is pretty badass. its been the only thing i've been listening to since i got it... i think i'm gonna catch them at the Troc in Philly on August 10th.