Symphony X Petition


Nov 11, 2003
Miami, FL
Visit site
Here is the official petition for fans down in Florida who want to see them live, or those who will come down to see them. Please read carefully and do all you can to help. Spread the word in every forum that you can! We need as many signatures as possible, if we expect to accomplish this.

please PM me if you have any questions

*Glenn if you happen to read this, and you can contact Symphony X themselves, please tell them.

That is their management's address, not the booking agent. Sending mail there won't do any good, because that's not what their management does. Also, the band knows that people down there (and all over, frankly) want them to come play, we've discussed it often & I pass on every piece of mail that is sent to them asking about this same thing, but their hands are tied, it's all in the hands of the VENUES.

</broken record mode>
Hey, lady...
has SyX ever discussed or even thought about coming here in australia? I doubt it,but im just asking.
Dude dont be stingy, buy a plane ticket and go to the other shows that Symphonys are doing in your country. You peolple are very demanding, you are lucky becouse you have the chance to see the group in differet cities. :cool:

I been waiting for SympnhonyX during years and if one day (Hope Soon) they play in Mèxico i would not bother to fly or drive many miles...