Symphony X Review - 8/8/07 (Setlist Spoilers)

Destiny Of Chaos

New Metal Member
Nov 20, 2005
Hey all, I thought some of you might like to read this. I'm surprised someone hasn't posted this already, considering that this is the SX forum. Here goes...

Alright, our five show August started with a bang at Jaxx nightclub down in Springfield, Virginia. Five bands played in one of the hottest (temperature) settings I’ve ever been in.

Opening up the show was Encompass, an alternative progressive metal band out of Alexandria. I’ve known of them for almost two years, but this was the first time that I’ve seen them live. Boy o boy, what have I been missing? These guys, plainly put, were the balls. Very technical and melodic, they set the mood for the entire evening. If you are ever in the Mid-Atlantic area, come out and see these guys. You won’t be disappointed.

Next up is Odin’s Court, a well known act here in the Mid-Atlantic area. I saw them once in 2005 when they opened up for Kamelot and Seven Witches. Since that night, I’ve purchased Driven By Fate, and Re-Driven By Fate, and over the past two years, they’ve become one of my favorite bands. With that said, I was disappointed by their set list last night. The guys themselves sounded awesome, and I know that they didn’t have a whole lot of time to work with. They played two new songs, which were awesome, but then they played two covers, including The Number Of The Beast, by Iron Maiden, a song that I despise. Don’t get me wrong, they played it well, and the crowd loved it. I was just hoping to hear some of the music that I’ve grown to love from Driven and Re-Driven. I guess I should make it out to a Odin’s Court headlined show.

Band number three was Echoes Of Eternity. Heavy, aggressive metal fronted by a very capable female singer. I felt that they could benefit with the addition of a keyboardist, but I almost say that about bands. They sounded very good none the less, and I’ll be checking out their debut album, “The Forgotten Goddess”.

Up next was Sanctity, who are justifiably being heralded as a part of the future of metal. Having toured with Trivium earlier this year, and embarking on their own European tour after this tour ends, Sanctity is on the way up. Last night, they were very aggressive, full of energy, and there to blow out ear drums.

Up next, an all time top 5 favorite band of mine. A band that I have rocked out to for many years now. A band that I was now finally going to see perform live. It took 20-30 minutes for Symphony X to take the stage, but it was well worth it when they finally did. I did not look at set lists for any of the other shows, so I didn’t know what to expect. They opened up playing the first half of the new album, Paradise Lost. Domination, my favorite song off the new album, was amazing live. The guys are truly virtuosos at every instrument. Russell Allen had total command of the crowd. He hit some high notes that I didn’t even expect him to go for. Matt Lepond was a monster on the bass. His solo leading into the opening of Sea Of Lies was a highlight for me. Michael Pinnella was a little low in the mix, but was awesome none the less. Jason Rullo was probably the best drummer that I’ve seen live to date (Probably until Tuesday). Michael Romeo was amazing all night. His solos were crisp and clean. His riffs were heavy. Everything he played was consistent with the standard that he set on the albums. What an amazing show. Then after the grueling set list… to come out and play The Odyssey, a song which clocks in at over 20 minutes, was one of the greatest experiences in music I have ever witnessed. If you were anywhere near any of the cities that Symphony X played on this leg, and you didn’t show up…. You messed up… period. Symphony X fan or not. If you were a fan of music, you would have taken a lot from the show. These were world class musicians.

Oh, and I caught my second drumstick (Epica). As most of you know, I’m 6’3”. I caught the stick with both hands high above my head. When I brought it down, this dude got his hands on it and tried to take it from me. A few others did as well, causing us all to fall to the floor, but I wouldn’t let go of the stick. I came up with it (of course) and handed it to the Wife.

If this is an indication of the fun I’m going to have this month, I’m gonna have a blast. Up next, Into Eternity, Redemption, and DREAM THEATER this Tuesday night in Baltimore! Until then…

Symphony X

Oculus ex Inferni (Intro Tape)
1. Set The World On Fire (The Lie Of Lies)
2. Domination
3. The Serpent’s Kiss
4. Paradise Lost
5. Inferno (Unleash The Fire)
6. Smoke And Mirrors
7. The Walls Of Babylon
8. Sea Of Lies
9. Of Sins And Shadows

10. The Odyssey
In reference to your Tuesday comment, Mike Portnoy is a choir boy to Jason Rullo.
I was disappointed by their set list last night. The guys themselves sounded awesome, and I know that they didn’t have a whole lot of time to work with. They played two new songs, which were awesome, but then they played two covers, including The Number Of The Beast, by Iron Maiden, a song that I despise. Don’t get me wrong, they played it well, and the crowd loved it. I was just hoping to hear some of the music that I’ve grown to love from Driven and Re-Driven.
Hey! Thanks for the kind words about us – that’s always nice to read given our hard work.

Sorry you were disappointed with the set. We were as well. :lol: Reason being, our original set time (what we were told we would get) was 30-45 minutes. What they told us that night was only 25. :( So we had to cut 3 songs ("Utopian Rust", "D2C", and "Paradise Lost: Chapter 1").

Believe me, we went round and round trying to figure out what was best. In the end, since we've been playing many of those songs for 4-5 years around the area, we decided to go with all new songs (from our upcoming CD) and the Maiden cover. Anyway, hope we can do another show around here soon that you can attend so you can hear your current favorites.

I'm really looking forward to getting the CD done and out there, as it is like night and day compared to our old stuff - way more polished and exciting. You'll dig it!
Well, this was my first time getting a chance to see Symphony X headline (we saw them at Jaxx before when they opened up for Blind Guardian - we left a couple of songs into Blind Guardian because they weren't our thing). Anyway, the set list rocked, the sound rocked, but Jaxx is a dive. These guys smoke - when are the gonna start playing real venues? I couldn't see crap - and I started out very close to the stage. Even after moving further back (where I figured I would be able to see more) I STILL couldn't see anything. These guys are top notch and people come to SEE them - if I just wanted to hear them, I already have all of the CD's. I'm not bashing the guys - they are cool as hell on top of their talent, but they really need to get into some bigger/nicer clubs/venues. I'm sure that will be the case on the tour with Dream Theater, but it was disappointing for us. We drove up from Norfolk and will be doing the same for the Dream Theater show this coming Tuesday. I can't wait for the DT show and we have a hotel reservation so won't have to worry about driving home half asleep this time :-) Anyway, show rocked - but just couldn't see anything. Maybe it was due to all of the 6' tall people in the front trying to get drum sticks :-P

Later - Mike
Hey there thanks for the review..Really glad you dug our sound man!
Hope to see you guys soon at other shows :-)

Well, this was my first time getting a chance to see Symphony X headline (we saw them at Jaxx before when they opened up for Blind Guardian - we left a couple of songs into Blind Guardian because they weren't our thing). Anyway, the set list rocked, the sound rocked, but Jaxx is a dive. These guys smoke - when are the gonna start playing real venues? I couldn't see crap - and I started out very close to the stage. Even after moving further back (where I figured I would be able to see more) I STILL couldn't see anything. These guys are top notch and people come to SEE them - if I just wanted to hear them, I already have all of the CD's. I'm not bashing the guys - they are cool as hell on top of their talent, but they really need to get into some bigger/nicer clubs/venues. I'm sure that will be the case on the tour with Dream Theater, but it was disappointing for us. We drove up from Norfolk and will be doing the same for the Dream Theater show this coming Tuesday. I can't wait for the DT show and we have a hotel reservation so won't have to worry about driving home half asleep this time :-) Anyway, show rocked - but just couldn't see anything. Maybe it was due to all of the 6' tall people in the front trying to get drum sticks :-P

Later - Mike

thats why you get there early...
Next up is Odin’s Court, a well known act here in the Mid-Atlantic area. I saw them once in 2005 when they opened up for Kamelot and Seven Witches. Since that night, I’ve purchased Driven By Fate, and Re-Driven By Fate, and over the past two years, they’ve become one of my favorite bands. With that said, I was disappointed by their set list last night. The guys themselves sounded awesome, and I know that they didn’t have a whole lot of time to work with. They played two new songs, which were awesome, but then they played two covers, including The Number Of The Beast, by Iron Maiden, a song that I despise. Don’t get me wrong, they played it well, and the crowd loved it. I was just hoping to hear some of the music that I’ve grown to love from Driven and Re-Driven. I guess I should make it out to a Odin’s Court headlined show.
Hey dude,

To echo Matt's sentiment, I'm glad that you have enjoyed us so much in the past. Believe me, we are just as disappointed to have to cut our set so much and we really did go back and forth as whether to keep the Maiden cover or play one of the classics. We all thought it better to keep things fresh since we have played the other songs so much there. You would've loved our DVD shoot - we played for over 90 minutes and pretty mcuh covered everything. That's also where we debuted out version of Beethoven's 9th. Funny, when you mentioned two covers I really had to think for a bit. I've come to think of that as one of ours with the arrangement being so different.

I also think that you will enjoy the new CD even more than the old stuff. The writing and playing has evolved quite a bit. More technical, still song oriented, dynamics, variety, its in there!

Hope to see you at another show soon!