Symphony x in London last night - review

i was in london.

i thought russell's voice was awesome!! i'd not heard the recorded stuff so i guess i didn't have that in the back of my mind to compare, but the guy has an incredible voice and i could tell it from this one gig!!

i loved stratovarius, even though they are so cliched and formulaic. i just think it's great fun. and i'm a cheesemeister anyway :D

russell's voice is way better than timo's too!!!

anyone else get that special edition of elements pt1?? the demo disc is just the songs from the album with the vocal out-takes .....eew!!
Got to Camden from South Coast at Midday. Me and my mates had pint with Thunderstone although we didn't know it at the time!
Good band they were too.
Russell wondered whether they had any fans in the UK. I think we sorted that one right guys? I couldn't speak at the end of their set!
If that's what SymX can do with a pub sized stage, a sabotaged sound and two spotlights then pleeeeze come back soon as a headline act!!
And if you do, use Pagans Mind as support!
Strato were ok for a while but imo knew they were beat.
I'm not sure he did. When he said "Man, I'm getting to old for this" it gave me the impression that something was up at that moment. Plus actually stopping the song to have a second attempt to get it right, do they normally stop the song twice?

I thought it was pretty obvious that was just stage banter. It worked really well and the extended version of Wicked - as someone mentioned - was... Wicked!!! :flame:

@Paul (thefunkygibbons): Don't worry about it! You have your priorities right. Look at it this way, when we go to see them when they headline you are going to be even more amazed than I would be. See you in a few hours for your lesson.