Symphony X songs you can play

Dave The Templar

Pick Me, I'm Clean
Jun 24, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
Hey everyone! I thought it would be a fun to see what songs you guys can play on your respective instruments. Also include specific riffs/solos if you want to aswell.

I play the guitar(been playing since I was 13 - I'm 17 now) and can play the following songs:
Symphony X - Thorns Of Sorrow
Damnation Game - Damnation Game, Whispers, Edge Of Forever, Winters Dream(part 1 and 2)
DWOT - entire album
V - Evolution(Grand Design), Fallen, Communion And The Oracle, Absence Of Light, Fools Paradise, Rediscovery pt2
The Odyssey - Inferno, Incantations Of The Apprentice, Accolade2, The Odyssey, The Turning
Jesus... you've got skill, man.

Lessee... I can do The Damnation Game, Sea of Lies, Out of the Ashes (solo's still a bit sloppy), Smoke and Mirrors, Dragon's Den, Evolution, A Fool's Paradise, and Inferno. I've attempted some other ones, but meh. I'm feeling less drawn toward being a technical player lately.
haven't bothered learning any sym-x songs on guitar, although Romeo's playing serves as a great inspiration. The last technical stuff I bothered to learn on guitar was a LOT of old Racer-X and a couple Dream Theater tunes.

i do, however, know a lot of the Sym-X catalog on vocals, just from belting along to my CD-player when I'm stuck in traffic everyday.

wait, i'm getting a serious sense of deja-vu, here...
I play bass amd I can do

The Divine Wings of Tragedy- Sea of Lies and Of Sins and Shadows ( I have yet to hear the rest of the album)

V- Fallen, Egypt

The Odyssey- Wicked, Accolade II, Awakenings and The Odyssey (only the first two parts, working on the rest now)

I have yet to hear anything from the self titled, Damnation Game, the rest of Divine Wings of Tragedy and Twilight in Olympus
Here's the songs I know by memory. I could probably learn the rest, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

By the way, I'm a bassist.

Of Sins and Shadows
Sea of Lies
Out of the Ashes
The Accolade
The Eyes of Medusa
The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Candlelight Fantasia (currently learning)
Smoke and Mirrors
Church of the Machine
In the Dragon's Den (have some trouble w/the solo, though)
Through the Looking Glass (currently learning)
Evolution (The Grand Design)
Fallen (have some trouble w/the ascending line in the chorus)
Communion and the Oracle
The Bird-Serpent War
The Death of Balance
Inferno (Unleash the Fire)
Accolade II
King of Terrors
The Odyssey

That's it, for now.
I'm playing guitar about 8 years, Actually I play Angra and Dream Theater songs in my band but SX is my big influence and I practice SX songs every day and every time I have my guitar in hands... the songs I can do: Sins and Shadows, Fallen, Evolution, King of Terrors, Accolade II, Egypt, Out of the Ashes, Sea of Lies, Inferno, Damnation Game and Rediscovery part 2. I'm working on others trying to clean some sloopy parts,,, that's all
Depends what do you mean by playing, if it's perfectly from note to note like the real songs, I bet there's actually pretty few here who can do all those songs, but sure I can play pretty many songs on bass, a bit sloppy tho.
Im now 13 years old and i play keyboards and i can play of sins and shadows havent practise so much symphony x stuff yet. Hmm....and i can play Shadow gallery - Stiletto in Sand, Mystery, Dream Theater - Dance of Eternity, but most i can play my own songs..and much else shit
Progbass said:
Depends what do you mean by playing, if it's perfectly from note to note like the real songs, I bet there's actually pretty few here who can do all those songs, but sure I can play pretty many songs on bass, a bit sloppy tho.
That's right, cause we're talking about Symphony X that have very talented musicians,,, so it's natural that only few can do those songs,,, well, imo perfectly means Symphony X :worship: playing... but, you know, we have to practice, practice and practice to do the better we have in hands... trying to kill sloppy things. :rock:
Dave The Templar said:
What do you mean when you say that you don't want to be a technical player? like you want to be really tasteful and have emotion in your playing?

Well... I think we all want to be tasteful and have emotion, or we sound like boring robots (a la Train of Thought). But I really meant that lately I've been more concerned with working on improvising, theory, trying new melodic ideas, songwriting, that kind of stuff. I still practice a lot, but I spend less of the time trying to become a shredder. Whereas a year ago I did nothing but sit down and work on SymX, DT, and Yngwie songs to build my technique. Now I have a decent amount of technical skill, so even though sometimes I'll have some fun and play along with the first three DWoT tracks, when I actually practice I don't really care about technical skill and shredding - the shred skills are sort of on the backburner, and if I never became anymore technical than I am now, I really wouldn't care. In short, it's not really the kind of player I am.
Let see. I can play rhytm guitars & keyboards from OSAS, Sea Of Lies, The Eyes Of Medusa and Evolution. Those I've learned to play recently. Now I concentrate more on singing.
Unfortunately for me, marriage and ensuing child birth have taken most of my practice time away. I can play bits and pieces here and there, but I no longer have the time to sit an learn a major song straight through and then woodshed it into memory. Darn!

I agree with OfSinsAndShred though - what playing time I do have (playing time, not practice time these days), I like to turn on the Boss DR5 to some funky rhythms and work over the top on them. Soon I'll devote more time to practice, though, and then I'll work on my cop-chops. I definitely can't do the nine-hours-a-day thing anymore though.
I never really bothered to learn a lot of SymX songs aside from Inferno and Of Sins and Shadows the whole way through, just various solos and riffs. Amung those are: the solos in The Damnation Game, the intro and solo for Out of the Ashes, the intro of Smoke and Mirrors, the first solo in Divine Wings, solo section from Dressed to Kill, the solo section of Masquerade, the solo section of Sea of Lies (actually, that fast tapping bit in the middle was the first Romeo lick I ever mastered), plus a bunch of riffs from Wicked, King of Terrors, Dressed to Kill, some others I can't think of off the top of my head. Plus I figured out 4 of the songs from Kotipelto's Waiting for the Dawn (tabs can be found on the official SymX site :D). I haven't had time to transcribe recently, but after I finish my album my next projects will be a full tab of Masquerade (one of my students has asked me for that) as well as some songs from Coldness.
Hey, for those of you who can play Communion And The Oracle, do you know the solos, or just the rhythm. If you do know the solos, could someone help me out on the first one. I have the first part of it down, and part of the really fast tapping part, but not all of it. If anyone of you have a tab or it that is accurate and has a fingering that works, It'd be awesome if you could send it to me. Thats one of my favorite Symphony X songs. :worship:

Oh, and to actually make a reply that made sense with the topic, the songs I can play by Symphony X are as follows:
The Edge Of Forever
A Winter's Dream - the Ascension
Of Sins And Shadows
Sea Of Lies
Out Of The Ashes (except the solo part, which I always found hard to get that first part right)
The Divine Wings Of Tragedy (parts)
Candlelight Fantasia
Intro Arps. to Smoke And Mirrors (haven't taken time to learn the rest)
Communion And The Oracle (except the solo parts because I couldn't figure them out)

And thats about all I know by Symphony X.