Symphony X


New Metal Member
Aug 9, 2004
Has anyone else heard of the band Symphony X. Children of Bodom and them r the most amazing bandz in the world. Micheal Romeo is the best guitarist ever.
Michael Romeo is an incredible songwriter and unbelieveable guitar player. Russell Allen is hands down the best metal vocalist i've heard.
i was at the ngw for 2 weeks and we got a special personal clinic from mike romeo, trust me he is 12 times as good as you think he is just on the records. he does some amazing innovative shit. hes a nice fellow too.
gregofbodom said:
i was at the ngw for 2 weeks and we got a special personal clinic from mike romeo, trust me he is 12 times as good as you think he is just on the records. he does some amazing innovative shit. hes a nice fellow too.

exactly 12 times as good?
i used to be the biggest SX nut... till i found bodom... and really... if you listen to romeo's stuff, it sounds like an instructional video on repeat... he's a damn good guitarist, but man, SX is like yanni metal... sorry to say...
Elysian893 said:
i used to be the biggest SX nut... till i found bodom... and really... if you listen to romeo's stuff, it sounds like an instructional video on repeat... he's a damn good guitarist, but man, SX is like yanni metal... sorry to say...

Yanni Metal?

'Yanni' cant right a good tune, S-X can.
Michael Romeo is farrr too good at guitar. I think he just lived in a woodshed in the middle of nowhere for 10 years and played 12 hours a day, spent 4 hours hunting squirrells and eventually killing large game with his bare hands (the fingers on his left hand could probably crush your skull), and then slept for 8 and repeated. He then left the woods to form symphony x.
symphony x are one of my favorite bands, and i had the same thing happen to me, i found bodom, havent listened to much sym x since (but i still have all there albums!)
Michael Romeo is without a doubt one of the greatest writers ever.

To Tut: SX will always be better than ELP! SX has has 6 great albums, well maybe not the first one. ELP has 4 good albums than 2 words-"Love Beach"! First off the title is bad enough not to mention the crap that they put on their. If you were a true prog fan you would not have said ELP you would have said King Crimson!
dargormudshark said:
Michael Romeo is without a doubt one of the greatest writers ever.

To Tut: SX will always be better than ELP! SX has has 6 great albums, well maybe not the first one. ELP has 4 good albums than 2 words-"Love Beach"! First off the title is bad enough not to mention the crap that they put on their. If you were a true prog fan you would not have said ELP you would have said King Crimson!
oh fucking christ that was the biggest load of crap that i've ever heard :lol:

Keith emerson can play a romeo solo with his right hand and those crappy keyboard solos from SX with his left one, at the same time :p

sorry, but don't argue with me about prog :p