Symphony X

Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN
I have been spinning the new Symphony X cd for quite awhile now and have had a chance to fully give it a fair shot. I had read the board and wanted to see what people were saying about it. I loved hearing that it was heavy and "pissed & angry" but was really nervous when I heard that Russ was in the Aggressive mode. I have to admit I am a HUGE fan of the nice Russ. To me his softer and cleaner moments are classic. So now that I have been sitting with this one a bit here are my thoughts.

PARADISE LOST - First off I have to say that this cd sounds really good. They added some punch to the guitars and the vocals. That is good news, I just wish they would get the drum sound up front too. I think the production could still be better but as far as SX discs go this one sounds good. Okay, i will have to say it right here, I LOVE THIS CD!!! All worries were gone the minute that Russ opened his mouth. This cd is angry and pissed off sounding and Russ hits it perfectly. Wow, this man is bad ass on this cd. I still like his cleaner vocals but in no way does the aggressive singing distract from the music. As a matter of fact, it makes it better. Russ nails it on this one. I love everything on this cd. Listen to Domination and then listen to the Title Track, hard to believe that is the same guy. There is plenty of aggression, plenty of melody and plenty of guitar solos. Mr. Romeo does some killer riffage as well as some killer solos. I love all of the guitar solos on this cd. Wow, this guy can play and has some pretty nasty chops on this one. The keys are amazing as well. Blend in perfectly. The drums are great, I just wish they would bring the drum sound up a bit. I think Rullo is an incredible drummer and i can't always hear what they are doing. Symphony X was my first band in this genre and is probably my favorite. They did not disappoint with this release. This has it all. It would be a close race but this is Allen and Romeo's finest moment. They both shine on this cd. Well worth the wait and I hope that they will not wait so long with the next release. Something else i noticed and am surprised it does not turn me off, this disc has a little modernized sound to it. I think it is so well done and done with enough attitude, it works.

I wanted to go ahead and rate the Symphony X cd's. I will first start out by saying that i did not like the Self titled disc at all. Did not like the singer and i thought the production was terrible so it did not stay with me long at all. If you can't tell, the way a disc sounds is really important to me.

1. The Divine Wings of Tragedy - my first cd from Symphony X and my favorite. This disc is amazing. I remember when i first got my hands on this one, i was floored and could not get enough of it. For the time, it sounds great and the songs are amazing. Plenty of clean and moments of harsh vocals from russ. This disc has my favorite song from the band. The Accolade. I love this song!! This disc is amazing from start to finish. Not a bad song on the disc.

2. Paradise Lost - Totally amazed at this cd and it is a close 2nd to TDWOT. Russ and M Romeo shine on this one. It has been said, heavy and angry. Love this cd!!!

3. V - This cd is awesome as well. To me this is the most polished SX cd. This one has class written all over it. I love the story line and the songs are fantastic. This one to me could almost be a movie score. Production is pretty good and the instrumentals are awesome. This cd still gets plenty of spins from me. great cd.

4. The Odyssey - Ok, i was a little disappointed on this one. I did not like the production at all. This one has a very raw feel. I like the more polished sound. The music was pretty good but i was very thrown off by the aggressiveness of Russ. Funny I say that b/c on Paradise Lost, i think his aggressive style is awesome. It is almost like he perfected the agressiveness with Paradise Lost. There are some good songs on here but the production really hampers me from listeneing to this one much. Favorite song is The Accolade 2.

5. Twilight in Olympus - This one was really a let down for me after the mighty TDWOT. Besides the first two songs on the cd, I think the rest of the cd is pretty bad. Just my thoughts, but it feels like this cd was rushed and just did not seem to have the detail the other cd's had. I thought the production was terrible and i really missed the drumming of rullo. I am sure the guy they had for this cd behind the kit was good, but i like rullo's style and think it fits with SX. This cd does not get many spins from me.

6. The Damnation Game - There are some good songs on here but the production really turns me off on this one. The music is good and there are some great songs. Production is the only reason why this one sits so low. Favorite song is Winters Dream.

Would love to see your comments and thoughts.

Thank you,

I don't think there were any 'bad' ones perse but there are definately some much much better than the others. I agree with your comments though on the albums. I LOVED TDWOT and it's still one of my absolute favs as it was the first i ever heard :)
Ok...l'll get this out of the way also...DT will be dragging SX along in Europe

Oh and...

SC>PL by a longshot

Just curious what that means? Are you saying that Systematic Chaos blows Paradise Lost away? surely you jest!!!! Its the other way around

Not including the S/T, I love the entire SX catalog. I often find myself not being able to pick a favorite because they are all so good. I have said it before and I will say it again...................these guys are the kings of consistency.
Just curious what that means? Are you saying that Systematic Chaos blows Paradise Lost away? surely you jest!!!! Its the other way around


No jest...SC is insanely diverse while PL is just another in a long line of SX releases that sound like the rest. Unless... if you call a numetal guitar sound & harsh vocals special...then you got that. Sadly, Sx hasn't done anything relevant since TDWoT or TiO...some of V's arrangements are interesting, but again nothing mindblowing.

Emerald Sword said:
Besides, had SX been around before DT, then SX would be dragging DT around Europe.

On the other hand...had the automobile been invented before the wheel... :rolleyes:
No jest...SC is insanely diverse while PL is just another in a long line of SX releases that sound like the rest. Unless... if you call a numetal guitar sound & harsh vocals special...then you got that. Sadly, Sx hasn't done anything relevant since TDWoT or TiO...some of V's arrangements are interesting, but again nothing mindblowing.

On the other hand...had the automobile been invented before the wheel... :rolleyes:
Reversal of fortune is my point. Duh.:heh:
For me, DT will always be superior, and for one very specific reason. They actually play from their entire catalog. Basically, aside from a few predictable tracks, i.e. Sea of Lies, Of Sins and Shadows, and perhaps Dressed to Kill, SX doesn't play shit off their first 4 albums. They may as well have been written by Shadow Gallery, since all that material got performed in a studio and not onstage. What a crime. DT, on the other hand, celebrates their entire catalog, and in many cases updates or tweaks the older material into something new and different for the fans.
For me, DT will always be superior, and for one very specific reason. They actually play from their entire catalog. Basically, aside from a few predictable tracks, i.e. Sea of Lies, Of Sins and Shadows, and perhaps Dressed to Kill, SX doesn't play shit off their first 4 albums. They may as well have been written by Shadow Gallery, since all that material got performed in a studio and not onstage. What a crime. DT, on the other hand, celebrates their entire catalog, and in many cases updates or tweaks the older material into something new and different for the fans.

As you know, I wouln't argue about this one bit. Out of all the DT vs Sy-X
"discussion", this is probably the most concrete point made so far. They have a wealth of material to draw from, and the people who have been around since they started, would love to hear some of it.
I never cease to be amazed how every S:X thread becomes a S:X vs DT thread.

Its all subjective, one is not better than the other...personal preference.
Don't let SyXified hear you say that! :heh:


Naw, I've already said my piece on that one.

But agree with me or not about that, when someone posts 'it's all just a matter of opinion'... doesn't that feel like 'okay, we were having a discussion here and you've pretty much said this is useless to talk about because no one will ever be any more right or wrong than anyone else, so every just shut up right now'?

May as well just post 'everyone shut up, THE END'

What can you really say after that statement is made... other than to contest it as I would? You certainly cannot say 'I agree it's just opinion, but I think Symphony X is better because....' - that contradicts itself. You can wimp out and qualify your opinion as only your opinion, but what good does that do anyone else to hear just YOUR opinion? It's not like any one person's opinion has any effect on anyone else's opinion... its not like someone is going to flip flop on who they like more between DT and SX based on someone saying 'I like this one better' or as if popular opinion should change what anyone personally feels (in which case we would all be listening to Fergie, etc).

If it's all just a matter of personal opinion, this thread should never have been started, because Brand Spragin's review only represents one person's view which has NO bearing on the rest of us, and thus should just be kept to himself. And furthermore everyone's follow up post in response is an equally useless waste of time with no validity whatsoever. I just can't buy that.

I'm gonna shut up now before this becomes a rant which I don't really intend it to become.