SymX Posters


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2003
Does anyone know of a place to get SymX wall posters? I have looked extensively but couldnt find any. Thanks in advance
Do you have a music store near you that carries SymX catalog? Sometimes you can get promo posters from them. If they do carry the CDs all they have to do is ask InsideOut Music to send them some promo posters. Most of the time, they are delivered with the first order of a new release. If they hang them for awhile, they usually will be glad to give them to you later on or sell you one (if they're greedy :loco: ) Same with any band posters (often they are left in a backroom and never get placed in the store due to limited space) All you have to do is ask (offer a couple $$ for one for their time to go back and dig around)
Yeah, the guy I know who orders from Century Media, Inside Out, and a couple other places always gets in free decals, promotional posters and other free things when he makes orders. He has never gotten in anything of bands I really like, I might have to ask him to request Symphony X stuff from Inside Out now that I know they prob do actually have the stuff and just don't send them. Maybe they will on request? When he gets them in though he lays them out and lets us have them for free what we want (theres maybe only 3 of us who order stuff from him since it is kinda just a side business of his). My friend who likes more thrash got an Into Eternity decal and a Sentenced promo poster. All I have ever taken was a Sonata Arctica promo poster and a Soilwork Decal (I don't even like Soilwork that much) just to have something on my rear car window.
Medusa's eyes said:
Once I went to a CD store and I saw a really nice Symphony X poster (the odyssey one). I asked them if I could get that one and they gave it to me for free. They said a lot of people asked if they could get that poster. muahaha :muahaha: :rolleyes:

Thats really cool.:grin:
I have shitloads of posters. i got 5 iced earth, a symphony x, a bunch of king diamond and mercyful fate (including a very rare mercyful fate tour poster from 1983 that's in perfect condition and a signed "9" poster), a symphony x poster, sentenced, sonata arctica, kotipelto (cost me 35 cents!) etc. etc. etc. I god some of them from the local record store, but all i have to say is Ebay my friends, ebay. I have gotten some of my best shit from there (like my days of purgatory poster, only seen one other aside from the one i have). They usually don't have much along the lines of symphony x posters, especially not much cheaper than metalages, so get symX from there, but you can find some other cool stuff. i actually saw a korean V poster a long time ago, but i didn't get it. oh well.