Synth guys, need your help.


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
Planning on playing a Cult of Luna cover live, and I'm having issues trying to figure out how to get a certain synth sound.

Listen at 4:00

I just need to get close to it, I'm sure no one in the crowd has even heard this song before. I have the Korg legacy collection, and I'm sure I can get this sound out of it, but I have no idea where to start.

Please halp a brother out.
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Sounds like a phone ringing. :lol:

I'd start with a triangle wave and set up the arpeggiator for 32nd notes. The first chord is F & Ab, second is Gb & Bb.

Then add some kind of light distortion & eq.

Thanks for the advice, now if I only can figure out how to do that lol. I look at synth software and my brain starts to twist.
It does sound like a telephone. Many synth software have modifiable arpeggiators. Quickly, I found this :
Which is ugly and I never tried it. :p But if the project has the correct tempo you probably want to click on sync then in "steps" you probably want 2 and in "octave" you probably want 1. Measures I'm not sure, I guess that will be the speed of the TUtuTUtu, so follow your heart. Maybe a gate if it's not "dry" enough? And I don't know the Korg legacy collection, but basically if you have a synth that does arpeggiators you probably have similar buttons (sync, gate, steps, tralala).

If you have that brown/wood moog'ish synth for sure there is an arp button. So maaaaaaaaybe one of the sound presets has the arpegiator you want, and from there you can modify the sound? Have fun. :p
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Could also be done with a square wave LFO modulating both osc and amp, but syncing it with the tempo will be harder.

I'd say the basic waveform is square or pulse with the filter cutoff low to make it a bit dull and not much resonance (if at all).
Youtube "quality" doesn't help here.. I have my Legacy collection CD somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it up.
It's installed on a different pc right now, which is not in use.. Haven't really used it as I own two of the synths it models! :p

There also seems to be another, slightly brighter sound on the right side an octave higher.