synth technique


New Metal Member
Sep 3, 2009

Sorry if a topic like this exists, but i haven't found it...

I would like to learn about the keyboard/piano/synth technique used today. I learned classical stuff, so I know how to read the score, got some general idea about scales, can play a few riffs if I practice it :) and stuff like this. The main problem here that my technique is not developing too fast to play these shredding solos and themes perfectly, it simply needs way too much effort. And I know if one learns proper technique first, these things shouldn't take this much time, since the player ideally has a solid foundation on these things...
Currently each song takes waaay to much time to learn (especially if no score score available). Can anybody suggest some etudes/finger practice pieces/books so I can ramp up the needed skills to play 'fuckin heavy metal' ? :D

Just to get a general idea what I can play, here are a few pieces I played in bands. -- > my previous band, hopefully the site is not virus infected currently. --> the band I'm currently in

Of course there are other stuff also, but no record is available currently.

These are for the better experienced keyboardist/pianist there, so they can suggest where should I head from here, and not just give the typical "play it slow first, then speed it up, play it with one hand first (some of the keyboard solos are played with two hands, when should one play with one hand??). So I'm not interested in these suggestions.

Thanks for the help!