
This is in the news everywhere now. Probably not that much in the USA? Not saying Americans support the rebels but the government and/or army definitely does. The other UN/NATO countries are backing off from these "liberation wars" slowly but surely. I think you guys need a revolution there to get the lunatics off the power. :D

It may be in the news, but what I'm saying is that Obama is publicly saying he's funding the rebels, but in private (and not very secretly) the flow of assistance to the rebels is almost nothing. There are a bunch of articles about it:

Those are a couple of months old, but I don't think much has changed.

That's one of the reasons I think Assad agreed to turn over his chemical weapons with almost no demands. He realizes the U.S. is basically screwing the rebels by not giving them practically anything. If Obama had wanted to really get involved, he would have. At this point, any weapons we're giving to the rebels is to make the Gulf states feel better.
It may be in the news, but what I'm saying is that Obama is publicly saying he's funding the rebels, but in private (and not very secretly) the flow of assistance to the rebels is almost nothing. There are a bunch of articles about it:

Those are a couple of months old, but I don't think much has changed.

That's one of the reasons I think Assad agreed to turn over his chemical weapons with almost no demands. He realizes the U.S. is basically screwing the rebels by not giving them practically anything. If Obama had wanted to really get involved, he would have. At this point, any weapons we're giving to the rebels is to make the Gulf states feel better.
Yeah, sure for peace you give them more weapons.

It has changed a lot now because the general public had no idea what the rebels were about as they were casted as victims. I'd say it was a blatant brainwashing attempt to make people think we need to attack Syria. The question is what is the motive to attack Syria? I bet the rebels were founded by Westerns.
The Washington Times said:
As of Monday, the White House had not responded to the article, which provides backing for Russian claims that the Syrian rebels were behind the deadly August attack

Naw man, that can't be. We're the good guys. The Washington Times are obviously Kremlin agents, seeded to spread insurgency and distrust of our upstanding, freedom-loving government.

I'm taking an entire course on nuclear/chem/biological weapons proliferation with two profs who worked for the IAEA and the OPCW, and Hirsh's claims are complete nonsense. Several trajectory analyses have been performed by outside experts that found the delivery vehicles (which Hirsh doesn't even really mention) came directly from the direction of a giant Syrian Revolutionary Guard base on top of a mountain in northwest Damascus. The Syrian army has also used these delivery vehicles repeatedly. Just because the rebels can MAKE sarin doesn't mean they can DELIVER it.

You should also read the twitter feed of brown moses, who is a very well-respected Syrian civil war analyst who uses open source intel to get a picture of the situation on the ground. He addressed this issue directly. Highly encourage you to read both of these:

You'll also note that (a) Hirsh claimed the UBL raid was a hoax or something, and (b) the extent of his claim is "IT'S JUST LIKE GEORGE BUSH." Wow, convincing argument. I'm glad there is enough information for people to pick apart the administration's decision-making processes, but Hirsh is just being obstinate and ideological, and is himself cherrypicking to an alarming degree.
Lets get this straight. First it is....

He's Dead said:
Not to be a dick, but almost nobody except uninformed people thinks the rebels did this. They don't have the infrastructure, access, or technical capacity. The reason is that you have a bunch of precursor chemicals stored in different warehouses throughout Syria and around Damascus, and they're kept separate until they're assembled to produce sarin, VX, or what have you. Unless the rebels got access to all these facilities, and a laboratory massive enough to combine all of them, and the missiles and launching facilities to deliver them, they wouldn't be able to do this.

But now its...

He's Dead said:
Just because the rebels can MAKE sarin doesn't mean they can DELIVER it.

I will call that progress of a kind. I guess the narrow argument that the US is always correct and never to blame is something that can only get...well more narrow.

I am still not saying that the rebels definitely did it but I have and continue to say that it would not be that hard for them to do so.

The biggest tell about this is all the bullshit that came out of the obama regime about chemical weapons. Off the top of my head I remember “war crime” being thrown about a lot, also that good old moral “red line” that chemical warfare is, you can't touch that line! ITS RED!

If the US is so opposed to chemical weapons why doesn't it prosecute Agent Orange himself henry kissinger? Who didn't just brake international law but also broke US domestic laws to poison thousands in asia.

A good position of distrust of any government is the first and best place to start any thought experiment/argument. The US government has, in the last year alone, proved its word is only useful for the record of hypocrisy. And Obama himself is only coming off as a fucking sociopath with the amount of lies he has propagated. After the NSA leaks why should we blindly accept anything from the US government without proof? Fuck this could include the UBL raid.
I've briefly read over the articles on both sides of Hersh's claims and so far I'm not entirely convinced either way. It reads like an assortment of hearsay on both sides. 'My experts are better than yours'. From what I gather even the trajectory analysis' are in question, as they point to the rockets being delivered from a base 9km away, whereas the rockets themselves have an operational range of around 2.5 km?

Hoping to read the rest of Hersh's original article a bit later on (too damn long - got work) but I'm doubtful it's going to sway me. As much as I respect the guy's credentials, and the fact that he previously has brought light on grievous US government cover-ups, he just doesn't present enough evidence to back up his claim in this case. Citing 'senior intelligence sources' is all well and good, but it's really no different than the Obama administration saying 'we have concrete evidence... but we can't show it to you'. Fucking dog and pony show.

To this day my biggest red flag on the situation was the Obama administration's strong, war-like stance on the matter. The desire to go in regardless of congressional vote - totally on the up and up. Based on track records alone, I want to believe Hersh, but it's just not enough. He's got to bring more to the table.
I've briefly read over the articles on both sides of Hersh's claims and so far I'm not entirely convinced either way. It reads like an assortment of hearsay on both sides. 'My experts are better than yours'. From what I gather even the trajectory analysis' are in question, as they point to the rockets being delivered from a base 9km away, whereas the rockets themselves have an operational range of around 2.5 km?

Hoping to read the rest of Hersh's original article a bit later on (too damn long - got work) but I'm doubtful it's going to sway me. As much as I respect the guy's credentials, and the fact that he previously has brought light on grievous US government cover-ups, he just doesn't present enough evidence to back up his claim in this case. Citing 'senior intelligence sources' is all well and good, but it's really no different than the Obama administration saying 'we have concrete evidence... but we can't show it to you'. Fucking dog and pony show.

To this day my biggest red flag on the situation was the Obama administration's strong, war-like stance on the matter. The desire to go in regardless of congressional vote - totally on the up and up. Based on track records alone, I want to believe Hersh, but it's just not enough. He's got to bring more to the table.

Here's a piece on the missiles:

There's also the fact that these are both well-known rebel holdout areas from which they have repeatedly staged attacks and planned operations. You could theoretically say that that indicates the rebels wanted to make it look all the more convincing by hitting themselves, but we're talking about the heart of the resistance in Damascus. I think it seems a bit beyond the pale to murder your own families like that.

And I tend to agree about Hersh; he's not exactly a ballistics expert. Neither am I, but he seems not to even get into the technical aspects of the attack, and is instead relying on the tried and true Washington tactic of he-said-she-said to implicate people without evidence. I think he's very much like Bob Woodward in that he did a lot of critical reporting in the 60s and 70s, but he's past his prime and has been roped into certain journalistic and political communities that are more interested in an anti-government ideology than in the facts.

RE: Obama, they did release an unclassified report on the attack:

But if you're not inclined to believe administration intelligence prima facie, then I imagine it wouldn't be terribly convincing. FWIW, I don't think anything in there is particularly under dispute, precisely because they watered it down to make it unclassified.

I think the administration tried to avoid this thing for as long as it could, while supplying very limited funds and equipment to the rebels. This has been going on since, what, 2011, and only now the US says anything about it? By all indications, Obama made that "red line" comment in the midst of the campaign as an aside to tell people we wouldn't be getting involved, and then Assad used the CW, so he felt backed into a corner. There's also enormous pressure from the Saudis, the Gulf States, Turkey, Jordan, etc. to wholesale bomb the regime. We've rejected all of it, and it has brought U.S.-Saudi relations to the worst point in decades, which I would argue is another sign of how badly we want to avoid involvement.

I'm not going to beat a dead horse, but I guess from my perspective, the administration tried to pretend the war wasn't happening, and then felt forced to do something back in August. When Putin and Assad finally agreed to destroy the CW, Obama jumped on it- rightfully so, I would argue, since it avoids U.S. involvement and gets rid of the weapons.

BTW, I've seen Bush and the Iraq war referenced a lot in this thread. I'm sure a separate thread on that would engender a very lively debate :lol:, but I think it's actually a rather complex and interesting case of how thing can go wrong and it might be interesting to discuss it. Then again, I'm not sure how much people want to bring political debate to the top of the off-topic forum on a regular basis.
Just want to bump this now that Russia is actually invading another country for the express purpose of subjugating it. I expect outrage and disbelief in equal measure from everybody who was concerned when the U.S. almost bombed Syria! :goggly:

edit: and regarding all the posts citing Russia Today, please see the following:

It is grotesque that this is the current way of thinking for most people. If someone is not of the right then they are of the left. If someone is critical of the american regime then they are supportive of the russian. Feel free to start a Ukraine thread and see what happens rather than jeering behind speculation.

Also you really need stop making a fool of yourself with trying to run a weak argument of discrediting sources. It is and should always be about the facts, whether the facts are from RT or ALL of the other partisan news sources, they will need to be checked and evaluated on their merits alone. I doubt anyone here thinks RT is unbiased. Media outlets today are pretty much propaganda machines for whatever interests are behind them. If I wanted to hear the truth about russia I would save time avoiding RT, in the same respect, If I wanted to hear the truth about amercia I would save time avoiding all the corporate media.

The problem is people pick sides rather than evaluating arguments or facts.
It is grotesque that this is the current way of thinking for most people. If someone is not of the right then they are of the left. If someone is critical of the american regime then they are supportive of the russian. Feel free to start a Ukraine thread and see what happens rather than jeering behind speculation.

Also you really need stop making a fool of yourself with trying to run a weak argument of discrediting sources. It is and should always be about the facts, whether the facts are from RT or ALL of the other partisan news sources, they will need to be checked and evaluated on their merits alone. I doubt anyone here thinks RT is unbiased. Media outlets today are pretty much propaganda machines for whatever interests are behind them. If I wanted to hear the truth about russia I would save time avoiding RT, in the same respect, If I wanted to hear the truth about amercia I would save time avoiding all the corporate media.

The problem is people pick sides rather than evaluating arguments or facts.

I like the way you think, man
It is grotesque that this is the current way of thinking for most people. If someone is not of the right then they are of the left. If someone is critical of the american regime then they are supportive of the russian. Feel free to start a Ukraine thread and see what happens rather than jeering behind speculation.

Also you really need stop making a fool of yourself with trying to run a weak argument of discrediting sources. It is and should always be about the facts, whether the facts are from RT or ALL of the other partisan news sources, they will need to be checked and evaluated on their merits alone. I doubt anyone here thinks RT is unbiased. Media outlets today are pretty much propaganda machines for whatever interests are behind them. If I wanted to hear the truth about russia I would save time avoiding RT, in the same respect, If I wanted to hear the truth about amercia I would save time avoiding all the corporate media.

The problem is people pick sides rather than evaluating arguments or facts.

Wait, wait... RT is biased!?? Shit man, I thought they were the vanguard of the neo-hippy, liberal, anti-corporatist media. Damn, now that explains why Putin is always on it, why they're always so critical of US foreign policy. Maybe it also explains why so many of their female anchors are hot. I'm so glad somebody pointed that out for my feeble anarchist brain.

Next you'll be telling me all the mainstream news services in the US are owned by an oligopoly 6 corporations, all with vested interests in pushing the status quo of their corporatocracy. That's right fucked up man. Where is your FAITH? Your BELIEF in the system? Why have you not taken a side? You know you have to take a side right?