Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
- Mar 7, 2009
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Is this for real?
Just read the comments on the site.
"I saw it on the internet.... so it must be true"

Is this for real?
Hey Jim, do you have the UN report of when chemical weapons were used in Vietnam? I wonder if anyone intervened.
While you're at it, can we have the UN reports of white phophorus used in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Israel?
Do you realize your two paragraphs contradict each other?^It has nothing to do with an "age card". People kill people. Governments lie, steal, kill, cheat so on and so on. They do this because they're people. I'm not saying the US should go in there but I'm also not ok with "oh well, that's their problem". Of course they claim one thing and do another, they always have. No one else wants to do shit about anything. What would you have us do? Nothing? You're ok with no one doing anything? (whoever/whomever is responsible)
I'm trying to understand your logic here. I'm under no illusion, I realize America is a shit infested Christian hell hole full of liars and killers. I don't even watch TV because I know everything coming from it is shit and a lie. However, just saying "oh well, we're fucking full of shit therefore lets do nothing, derp" is not the answer either.
No, you're reading it wrong. It's not clear who did the CW attack. Sorry, but it's not. Stop watching Fox News.When arguments become battles of equivalency it's a sign of an inability to confront the specific topic at hand. I'm not taking sides in this as I've stated all along my personal view is very conflicted and nebulous.
Your argument can be read as tacit agreement that Assad is indeed responsible for these particular chemical attacks, but your real issue is that the US should not be the ones to respond because they are far from innocent of past discretions. Am I reading this correctly?
I guess I'm just wondering is it a disagreement of what appears to be some form of factual evidence, or just an overall "grrrrrr America....." type thing?
by the way, I'm fine with either - just wondering which it might be.
Do you realize your two paragraphs contradict each other?
All I'm saying that someone has to stop retaliating don't you think. Otherwise we have another Iraq/Afghanistan where 3000 people dying results in 250,000 people dying because of the relatiation. That can hardly be called reasonale or sane. I don't think those 250,000 were all planning the attack. For what did those 250,000 people die? To have a piece, well they are not around to see it anymore. I realize this is useless to discuss. You either understand this on a basic level or you don't.
No, you're reading it wrong. It's not clear who did the CW attack. Sorry, but it's not. Stop watching Fox News.
I brought Vietnam and the others for simply comparison. Would you have prefererred to other countries intervening US' use of chemical weapons in these cases resulting killing US soldiers? As far as I remember Afghanistan or Iraq or both were deemed illegal invasion and wars by the UN. Israel's accupation and all the shite going on there is also considered illegal by international standards yet no one is crying to intervene and invade Israel. Why is that?
I bet most US citizens have no fucking idea what really happened in Libya before we invaded the country. We as "Western coalition." I live in Europe and I'm not republican.
If I ever fucking meet a fucking living republican it will probably end in a fist fight.![]()
^It has nothing to do with an "age card". People kill people. Governments lie, steal, kill, cheat so on and so on. They do this because they're people. I'm not saying the US should go in there but I'm also not ok with "oh well, that's their problem". Of course they claim one thing and do another, they always have. No one else wants to do shit about anything. What would you have us do? Nothing? You're ok with no one doing anything? (whoever/whomever is responsible)
I'm trying to understand your logic here. I'm under no illusion, I realize America is a shit infested Christian hell hole full of liars and killers. I don't even watch TV because I know everything coming from it is shit and a lie. However, just saying "oh well, we're fucking full of shit therefore lets do nothing, derp" is not the answer either.
Can you guarantee there will not be twice as many victims if we go there bombing everything to crapshit? Oh sorry they are not victims to US but "collateral damage". Ask Kosovo civilians what they think about NATO "helping" and bombing the country in 1999. You'd be suprised they call NATO imperialists. Or would you really. In case you had no idea Kosovo is in Europe.1: How so? (It's interesting how we read between the lines as individuals)
2: I do not agree with any war. That said, if the world stands by and does nothing about CW's then where does it end? How do we know that with leniency twice the amount might die in one attack? Yes, if America uses CW's the rest of the world should do something about it. They don't.
Personally, I despise war of any kind. I'm just stuck on this ape filled rock. Honestly, I do get you on a basic level. Glorious winged vegan here.![]()