I just bought Clayman, Whoracle, Colony and the ''In Flames - Probably the best band in the world'' T-shirts a few days ago. While I was googling around trying to find the best prices for the shirts I stumbled upon the version of the Clayman T-shirt you posted. I'm gonna see if I can find it again.Is there any place I can find these Tshirts or are they all long gone? The Grey Clayman ones are shitty.
Yeah I agree, the gray Clayman shirt sucks balls. It's so boring. I found two different versions of the Colony T-shirt, I'll link them. I ordered the second one, cause I think the colours was alot better.Right now I'd kill for a Colony or the Clayman shirt I was searching for, but I'm not sure which one I should get. I'll probably get Colony first since it's the first album and practically fight to be my favorite album between the Clayman album.
There's nothing better that to visually say "hey you see my shirt? This band is awesome, this album is fucking amazing, ok have a good day."
Haha same. But when you wake up in the morning and you have a mail-package, you get so fucking happy. I ordered 4 T-shirts 1st August, and I've received 3/4 thus far.I FUCKING HATE WAITING FOR ONLINE PURCHASES
Yeah, it must have that back-print as well I think.I'm pretty sure I got the right shirt.
It didn't show the back but the front looks exactly like the one I posted with the black holes/flame effect in the boarder.
This one looks a little different though
Lol failWell it turns out the mother fucking thing was shipped to my old house, and I tried to see if they can redirect it to my new house but the fucking thing was already forwarded back to the sender, so now I have to pay like 5 or 10 more bucks for to resend it, and I'm going to have to anticipate waiting for yet another week or 2. How fucking lame.
I don't know, I didn't even know of In Flames back then. It's possible though.Also I found out that the clayman shirts were apparently given out in the clayman tour before, so maybe the one I got was a store version from that site you found?
I only have Black shirts lmao, sucks in the summer.Well I saw another one on ebay that told how he got it. It looked even more cool cause it was a long sleeve with designs on the sleeves, but I'd probably sweat like shit in that being a black long sleeve.