TAB Thread.

Again, some misunderstanding :lol: my bad though.

I've been playing with the exact thing you said, meaning Guitar -> Pedal -> Amp -> Comp. I get a decent tone out of it, but i sound kinda week, meaning you can hear that it's been recorded in a sucky home studio, and i was thinking if you guys use some kind of modulation in the recording programs, because i think that's what's needed.

I'm using a Boss MT-2 though, so it's not the same as yours.

I've heard the same about my pedal, but i've tried some different pedals, and this one actually fulfills my needs and i do get the tone i want (when i only plug it into the amp).
hey guys,
i'm searching for the tab of the downfall intro which CoB played on the Chaos Ridden Years DVD. the intro which has Epi already recorded ( Intro (Chaos Ridden Years).mp3 ). it would be great if someone could tab this part (both guitars maybe :) )out. i'm a newbie so i dont have this experience to do that well :\

i would be veeery thankfull. (and sry for my bad english, i'm german ^^ =\ )

greetings -> markus :]
Again, some misunderstanding :lol: my bad though.

I've been playing with the exact thing you said, meaning Guitar -> Pedal -> Amp -> Comp. I get a decent tone out of it, but i sound kinda week, meaning you can hear that it's been recorded in a sucky home studio, and i was thinking if you guys use some kind of modulation in the recording programs, because i think that's what's needed.

I'm using a Boss MT-2 though, so it's not the same as yours.

I've heard the same about my pedal, but i've tried some different pedals, and this one actually fulfills my needs and i do get the tone i want (when i only plug it into the amp).

Well there's not much you can do. Either it sounds shit or it doesn't. Maybe you should try EQing your amp/pedal a bit better and then use the EQ in the program that you're using.

Also, I don't know if you're double/triple/quadruple tracking but you should be. It makes anything sound MUCH better. Take your gain down to about 5 and record 3/4 tracks and pan around, much better than just one track in the centre with the gain on 10.

hey guys,
i'm searching for the tab of the downfall intro which CoB played on the Chaos Ridden Years DVD. the intro which has Epi already recorded ( (Chaos Ridden Years).mp3 ). it would be great if someone could tab this part (both guitars maybe :) )out. i'm a newbie so i dont have this experience to do that well :\

i would be veeery thankfull. (and sry for my bad english, i'm german ^^ =\ )

greetings -> markus :]

Look in the first post please.
Well there's not much you can do. Either it sounds shit or it doesn't. Maybe you should try EQing your amp/pedal a bit better and then use the EQ in the program that you're using.

Also, I don't know if you're double/triple/quadruple tracking but you should be. It makes anything sound MUCH better. Take your gain down to about 5 and record 3/4 tracks and pan around, much better than just one track in the centre with the gain on 10.

I rememberd that i have a V-amp, so i tried it out, and the sound is alot better, apart from some stuff, but i think i could fix it. Thanks anyways.
:lol: How the hell can you just forget that you have a V-amp and then have all these problems with a shitty pedal...

Even though I think V-amps are pretty crappy too, it's definitely better than a stompbox.
Haha :lol: well, a friend borrowed me it some months ago, and i've only been playing for 8 months now, so when using it for just playing through the amp, the pedal is deffinetly better.
Also, I don't know if you're double/triple/quadruple tracking but you should be. It makes anything sound MUCH better. Take your gain down to about 5 and record 3/4 tracks and pan around, much better than just one track in the centre with the gain on 10.

Really? Becuase when I record, I have the gain fully up. So if I were to record something with the gain turned somewhat down, and then copy the recording and put it into different tracks, but have it all the same, and mess with panning it around, it'll sound better?
Really? Becuase when I record, I have the gain fully up. So if I were to record something with the gain turned somewhat down, and then copy the recording and put it into different tracks, but have it all the same, and mess with panning it around, it'll sound better?

Well yeah, turn down your gain but do not copy and paste.

It's hard to explain until you've experienced it tbh.

If you're going to record 2 tracks, pan them both at about 80% left and right.

If you're going to record 3 tracks, have 2 at about 80% and one in the centre (0%).

I usually do 2-5 depending on current tone and how thick I want it to sound.

I won't go into detail yet, just give it a try. Gain on about 7 and 2 tracks at 80%, you'll be suprised how much better it sounds. :)
Well yeah, turn down your gain but do not copy and paste.

It's hard to explain until you've experienced it tbh.

If you're going to record 2 tracks, pan them both at about 80% left and right.

If you're going to record 3 tracks, have 2 at about 80% and one in the centre (0%).

I usually do 2-5 depending on current tone and how thick I want it to sound.

I won't go into detail yet, just give it a try. Gain on about 7 and 2 tracks at 80%, you'll be suprised how much better it sounds. :)

Alright, Ill try that sometime this weekend when I have time, thanks.
I can't believe you've never tried double tracking and panning!!

It's pretty much how you do it when you record anything.
Huh, well I dont know alot about recording, like all the little things, like bus or whatever they are, they are on my program and dont know what they are, and there are probably a lot of other things I dont know anything about :p. But thanks for the info, it'll hopefully make me like some of my recordings better because they'll sound better
Hah, alright, lemme know whatcha find.

Eh, I couldn't be bothered. I looked in the "help" but it started telling me how to assign tracks to buses but it didn't actually say WHAT a bus was and what it was for.

anybody know where i can find a video for sinergy's sin trade, a video where you can see alexi play?

I doubt there is one. Why do you want it?
:lol: Not a bus like that, one that deals with recording, Ill try to look in my recording manual now.

Ok, well here's what the manual says...

"Buses are useful for mixing together different audio tracks (in stereo) and applying effects to the mix. You can mix the tracks at different volume levels by adjusting each track's aux send level. Buses output to either other buses or to a hardware output."

So what Im getting from that, is you can take say 2 tracks you recorded, and put them in a bus, and add effects to the entire thing. But Im not positive :p
You can do that by bouncing 2 tracks to one empty one though. Seems like a waste of a function.

Or mixing down 2 tracks.
Yeah. Why does everything have to be so complicated? :lol:

It's not, really.

Busses are EXTREMELY useful, especially if you have multiple mics on a single instrument, like drums, amp, piano, choir, etc. Say if you wanted to make all of the drums louder, instead of moving every single fader, you can group the tracks in a bus and control the overall level with just one fader. Or if you want to use a little reverb (or some other effect) on all the drums, instead of applying an individual plugin to each track and bogging down your processor, you can apply a single plugin to the bus.

Voila, busses are easy.:)