TAB Thread.

Great job as always, Mitch.

I did make a few minor changes though, hope you don't mind:

-slap bass 2 (I always thought it was the best gen. midi bass sound)
-verse 1 riffs end with 4 quarter notes
-verse 2 riffs go back to C a second time (weird explanation, I know)
-chorus 1 riffs have A,G,F instead of F,F,F (another weird one) ;)
-changed a couple keyboard notes
-added ridiculous sounding whammy screams after the solo
-I listened super careful to the final chorus harmony and did the best I could seeing how my amazingslowdowner doesn't work anymore. :mad:
Flawless tab as usual Mitch :kickass: Just wondering how you are able to get the drums and keys so accurate? Do you use a program that singles out each track or slow down the speed? I bet you play the keys and/or drums also.

I'm a drummer, yeah. I can listen and tab so it's easy for me. I CAN play keyboard but I don't have one to practise or play so I know what I'm doing but I wouldn't actually be able to play this stuff or anything.

hey warheart, could you please tab the last solo to "wake up in hell" by sinergy? pretty please? i wish i had your ear and your Gp skills... but i dont. so if you did that would be pretty awesome.

Look in the first post, it's already been tabbed by Epi.

Great job as always, Mitch.

I did make a few minor changes though, hope you don't mind:

-slap bass 2 (I always thought it was the best gen. midi bass sound)
-verse 1 riffs end with 4 quarter notes
-verse 2 riffs go back to C a second time (weird explanation, I know)
-chorus 1 riffs have A,G,F instead of F,F,F (another weird one) ;)
-changed a couple keyboard notes
-added ridiculous sounding whammy screams after the solo
-I listened super careful to the final chorus harmony and did the best I could seeing how my amazingslowdowner doesn't work anymore. :mad:

You're definitely right on some of that stuff. I know I forgot that whammy thing after the solo and I do think that chorus riff is how you tabbed, now that I listen to it like that. I'll change mine up a bit and add yours to the first post too but in GP4 format. :kickass:

There exists no such technology, unless Mitch somehow got a hold of the original mix. ;)

That would be sweet!
well seeing as i was totally jacking all your tabs i figured i probably might as well register... :P

i had a GP question. it seems that in between measures the program skips a little. is there any way to get rid of this?

edit: and btw, the solo to living dead beat bar 120, he bends at the 15th fret and taps the 18th fret at the top of the bend, then pulls off and releases the bend, and then repeats. and bar 124, there's a ton of whammy bar in there somewhere, i was just playing c major three notes a string and going apeshit on the bar. but the one posted sounds better.
well seeing as i was totally jacking all your tabs i figured i probably might as well register... :P

i had a GP question. it seems that in between measures the program skips a little. is there any way to get rid of this?

That could be because you fill the bar up too much. Look in the bottom left corner, it should say something like 4.000/4.000 (if you have a full bar in 4/4). That is that amount of notes in the bar and the maximum amount of notes a bar can contain.

If that's not your problem then something is wrong with your gp, becaue it shouldn't be "skipping" notes.
That could be because you fill the bar up too much. Look in the bottom left corner, it should say something like 4.000/4.000 (if you have a full bar in 4/4). That is that amount of notes in the bar and the maximum amount of notes a bar can contain.

If that's not your problem then something is wrong with your gp, becaue it shouldn't be "skipping" notes.

its more like, for example, i end the bar with a sixteenth note which it plays, then inserts an unwanted rest
its more like, for example, i end the bar with a sixteenth note which it plays, then inserts an unwanted rest

i dont know what you mean but try to mark that/those bars and look in the tools thingy up on the toolbar and find Bar arranger...nifty tool for fitting everything in a song perfectly :P