TAB Thread.

I made this thread specifically to upload and discuss tabs related to COB, Sinergy, Warmen, Stone etc etc but since we've pretty much corrected shit loads of Bodom tabs already and I've got a pretty cool first post thanks to us all, then I don't see much harm in having a look at other bands too. I've seen others upload tabs by other bands in here before and it's caused no harm. ;)

I'll check out your tabs whenever I get round to (re)installing GP5.
I've updated the Tie My Rope tab again.

I panned out the left and then the right seperatly and just changed a few harmony things and the bit in C#min. I left in crawler's harmony at the end too. Should be pretty close now.
Yo Mitch, I just downloaded the Amazing Slow Downer (cracked version) and it is mothalickin' good! Before I was tabbing by listening to the song at full speed and with my knowledge of theory. Anyways, do you get this bullshit error 139 every once in a while? It is quiet annoying because I have to close and restart the program evertime the little shithead pops up. How do I fix this?
I had the harmony thing worked out in my update, but whatever - crawler seems to have gotten it close enough.

Yo Mitch, I just downloaded the Amazing Slow Downer (cracked version) and it is mothalickin' good! Before I was tabbing by listening to the song at full speed and with my knowledge of theory. Anyways, do you get this bullshit error 139 every once in a while? It is quiet annoying because I have to close and restart the program evertime the little shithead pops up. How do I fix this?

Something tells me that it wouldn't be doing that if you had a licensed version. Although what is it, like $50? That seems like a complete fucking crime to pay for it. It should be like $5, MAX. :rolleyes:
All our harmonies were different and after listened to them all, I do think the 3rd lower one sounded like it fit the best, I don't KNOW which one it is but hopefully we can find out soon or something.

Altitudes: I don't know about that, I just use Windows Media Player.
All our harmonies were different and after listened to them all, I do think the 3rd lower one sounded like it fit the best, I don't KNOW which one it is but hopefully we can find out soon or something.

Altitudes: I don't know about that, I just use Windows Media Player.

Dude?!? you transcribed The Mask of Sanity Solo without slowing it down ??
If you do, i gotta :notworthy

ahh i corrected some minor mistakes in the solo of Tie my rope
Check it out, 'nd tell me what you think ..
TMR - Solo
Something tells me that it wouldn't be doing that if you had a licensed version. Although what is it, like $50? That seems like a complete fucking crime to pay for it. It should be like $5, MAX. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I could hardly believe it when I saw the price. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with my computer and not the software. Guess I'll stick to Windows Media Player.

Altitudes: I don't know about that, I just use Windows Media Player.

Really? I thought I remembered you saying that you use the ASD. Windows Media Player becomes a little undefined and :Puke: when you slow it down too much. The rythm guitars and bass sound awefull.

Dude?!? you transcribed The Mask of Sanity Solo without slowing it down ??
If you do, i gotta :notworthy

ahh i corrected some minor mistakes in the solo of Tie my rope
Check it out, 'nd tell me what you think ..
TMR - Solo

Good job crawler! Sounds near perfect. And I still have a little trouble believing anyone transcribing the MoS solo without slowing it down :lol: especially the guitar/keyboard harmony solo. Just insane.
Yeah, I could hardly believe it when I saw the price. I'm pretty sure there is something wrong with my computer and not the software. Guess I'll stick to Windows Media Player.

Just get Transcribe, great program.
crawler64 said:
Dude?!? you transcribed The Mask of Sanity Solo without slowing it down ??
If you do, i gotta

:lol: Don't be silly! I use WMP to slow down. I slow it down, then record over that and then slow down the file I just saved. I then repeat the process as many times as I need to until I can get it perfect. I slowed down the MoS harmony part ALOT to get it as close as possible.

Altitudes said:
Really? I thought I remembered you saying that you use the ASD. Windows Media Player becomes a little undefined and when you slow it down too much. The rythm guitars and bass sound awefull.

Nah, I've never ever used it. I'll have to try it sometime.