TAB Thread.

I'll try to scan the song from the magazine soon as possible. That's where I got the fill for TLS from :)

I'm still not convinced the song is entirely 4/4 or 2/4. But you could be right, what the hell do I know.

That would be great if you could, thanks. And I'd appreciate it even if it was the '06 Young Guitar seeing as I don't own it :P.

<-Warheart-> said:
I'd being interested in seeing what you come up with if you tab either of them, even though most tabs for In Your Face seem accurate enough, excluding the solos.

I'm not at my usual residence atm, visiting with the 'rents and such, but when i get back i'll see what i come up with in terms of In Your Face solo or something.
If it's the Jan 2006 YG, then I have that one. If not, then go for it!

Here's what I have so far on TL&S:

Yeah, I have the same one. You son of a gun, I already started my tab! :lol: You beat me to it! I guess I'll finish it up as well and see what you think of my minor adjustments and compare. The IYF solo doesn't seem to difficult. I don't have a tremelo bar so I couldn't get the second half of it.
First post has been updated for the first time in a long time.

03. Red Light In My Eyes Pt. 1 Solo (Tabbed by crawler64)
06. The Nail Solo (Tabbed by crawler64)
07. Touch Like Angel Of Death Solo (Tabbed by crawler64)
05. Angel's Don't Kill Solo (Tabbed by FRETPLAYER_mx)
08. Trashed, Lost & Strungout (Tabbed by <-Warheart->)

Might do some more Sinergy soon.
Wanna upload it...

No point to since we both have the same magazine and our tabs will look almost identical. I'll tab and correct the solo section if you want.
First post has been updated for the first time in a long time.

03. Red Light In My Eyes Pt. 1 Solo (Tabbed by crawler64)
06. The Nail Solo (Tabbed by crawler64)
07. Touch Like Angel Of Death Solo (Tabbed by crawler64)
05. Angel's Don't Kill Solo (Tabbed by FRETPLAYER_mx)
08. Trashed, Lost & Strungout (Tabbed by <-Warheart->)

Might do some more Sinergy soon.

How about an In Your Face update? I tabbed the solo already. Might as insert it into an already existing IYF tab, considering most of them are fairly accurate.
I'm transcribing TL&S myself, not using the book.

And if all the IYF tabs are already accurate, then there's no point me hosting it. I haven't seen a solo tab that sounds 100&#37; perfect.
here in belgrade im playing bass gitar in my COB tribute band and i have a friend who plays solo like Alexi, he is spending a days and nights in a studio just do plays superb like ALexi....
its hard to play like him...
just wanted to let you know correct me if i'm wrong, on the first page you have crocketts theme for solo guitar under other, however i think its actually the theme from The Rock or at least a thing from The Rock..
i thought the first 2 bars were off but the rest was fine.

Me too.

I corrected it:

Enemy242 said:
just wanted to let you know correct me if i'm wrong, on the first page you have crocketts theme for solo guitar under other, however i think its actually the theme from The Rock or at least a thing from The Rock..

Could be, I'm not totally clued up on all the different names of all the pieces Janne plays. I know there's the Rock theme and themes from Miami Vice but I thought the Rock one was the thing in Bodom After Midnight (open G melody).
Okay, I used Altitudes' tab as a template for this tab that I've uploaded (In Your Face solo). I added rhythm gtr, bass and drums myself and also corrected a few things with the guitar.

For example, the bending part was the wrong timing and the tap wasn't indicated. I changed a few notes in bar 1, changed the B in bar 3 to a Bb, added a D note in bar 5, and then just added legato marks to bar 8.

And yes, I'm using GP5 now because the palm mutes sound better when using 16ths. When you use PM on 16ths in GP4, it doesn't change the sound which is gay.