TAB Thread.

vulgardisplayofpowermetal said:
why did you only tab like half of trashed lost & strungout lol
lol coz i cudnt b bovverd 2 tab da hole fing lol

innuenDO said:
Awsome warheart.
but how much time did it take to may those tabs?

Well the total time was quite high 'cause I get distracted easily so I'm never tabbing for like 30mins all at once without browsing the net or something.

In total though, I'd say around 6-8 hours for tracks, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 & 10.

Alachi said:
i thought they were in gp5 since your upgrade!
thank you!

Didn't you check the link? :erk: Oh well, enjoy.

inhe said:
You do know that you can export a .gp file as .gp4 if you are using gp5.
File->Export->GP4 Format, so there is no reason at all to use GP4

He said he only had 4.
I know you can but I just assumed his comment was referring to the fact that he didn't have GP5 and he thought they were in GP5 so he couldn't open them.

Doesn't matter now anyway 'cause they're not so we're all happy.
I know you can but I just assumed his comment was referring to the fact that he didn't have GP5 and he thought they were in GP5 so he couldn't open them.

Doesn't matter now anyway 'cause they're not so we're all happy.

Confusing, well now he knows if he didn't before. :o
shredtastical said:
just out of curiosity, planning on uploading scans of what YG got for the TLS tab?

Jan 2006.

vulgardisplayofpowermetal said:
no need to respond like a sarcastic asshole. i didn't even type like that. i was just asking a question. fuck.

First off, congrats on realising that I am an asshole. :) I am very suprised that I manage to not offend most people most of the time! But yeah, maybe my post wasn't necessary but the answer still remains the same. I couldn't be bothered to do the whole thing because I hate sitting there and tabbing one song all in one go. I just wanted to make a start on it and get it into the first post for the sake of anyone that wanted to crack on with learning it.

That's not saying that I won't finish it in the near or far future, but for the time being, that's where it'll stay. Check back frequently for any updates.
Well he kinda fucked up the question so I thought he was asking:

"just out of curiosity, you are planning on uploading scans of which YG mag with TLS tab in?"

Even thought that still doesn't make sense but that's what I thought he meant, which issue.
WTF? :lol: That was a yes or no question.

Shredtesticle, I would but I don't know how to put it in rar format.

haha wtf, that makes my username sound like male genitalia.

and yeah i was just curious to see what YG got. and i don't even know what program makes rar files. pdf is pretty common for images hey?
i love you \m/

sound a bit obsessed :P

anyway. I just downloaded GP5, so I've been messing around with the RSE (which im not sure how high to rate the "cool factor" XD) and here's the intro and first verse to Nemesis by Arch Enemy. I couldn't get the last part of the intro riff to sound right in the program although it sounded pretty good on my guitar.

Let me know how you guys tweak RSE?