TAB Thread.

Me too.

I corrected it:

Could be, I'm not totally clued up on all the different names of all the pieces Janne plays. I know there's the Rock theme and themes from Miami Vice but I thought the Rock one was the thing in Bodom After Midnight (open G melody).

The Rock one is also in bodom after midnight, its just a different thing from the movie. so i just listened to tokyo warhearts and what is is the intro to the album is the crocketts theme while the intro to touch like angel of death is from The Rock.
The Rock one is also in bodom after midnight, its just a different thing from the movie. so i just listened to tokyo warhearts and what is is the intro to the album is the crocketts theme while the intro to touch like angel of death is from The Rock.

I dno, I just dno. :)

Ben, is that you in your avatar or James Hetfield...:u-huh:
Okay, I used Altitudes' tab as a template for this tab that I've uploaded (In Your Face solo). I added rhythm gtr, bass and drums myself and also corrected a few things with the guitar.

For example, the bending part was the wrong timing and the tap wasn't indicated. I changed a few notes in bar 1, changed the B in bar 3 to a Bb, added a D note in bar 5, and then just added legato marks to bar 8.

And yes, I'm using GP5 now because the palm mutes sound better when using 16ths. When you use PM on 16ths in GP4, it doesn't change the sound which is gay.

Good work even though I believe the first bar was correct :p It doesn't sound correct in theory, but that is what he plays. It not a straight pentatonic on the 11th position, yet dorian in the 11th fret. And for the bends, in the third bar (?), you're right, I been working with out an amp and was getting the pitch of the bent note. Sounds close to perfect :rock:
Right, here goes. Since we've pretty much been concentrating on COB for ages, I thought I'd try something different to spice things up a bit in here.

I've tabbed out the intro to EVERY song on Sinergy's SUICIDE BY MY SIDE album and .rar'd it up. I've got a few notes about each tab too.



01 - I Spit On Your Grave
02 - The Sin Trade
03 - Violated
04 - Me, Myself, My Enemy
05 - Written In Stone
06 - Nowhere For Noone
07 - Passage To The Fourth World
08 - Shadow Island
09 - Suicide By My Side
10 - Remembrance

NONE of them are complete yet but I just wanted to do this because there are few songs on this album that have no tabs on the net whatsoever so I felt like making some. I might do it with To Hell And Back soon too.


Sinergy - Suicide By My Side TABS [Transcribed by <-Warheart->]

I'll be putting these in the first post when I have more time, too.
You do know that you can export a .gp file as .gp4 if you are using gp5.
File->Export->GP4 Format, so there is no reason at all to use GP4