TAB Thread.

there's this fill in trashed lost and strungout, after the first verse going into the second, it also shows before the chorus (1:11-1:13.5) (lyrics: before i go i am very down, or something to that effect) right in between the root-five power chords. anyone mind giving me a hand with it?
angels don't kill (solo)

Cool stuff, I don't know about notes/positioning but it sounds good.

Altitudes said:
Here's my Paul Gilbert Hydon Symphony Tab
it's incomplete but hopefully Mitch can fill in the blanks. It's missing the section with all the overdubs which makes it hard to tab out.

Paul Gilbert - Get Out Of My Yard - 12 - Haydn Symphony No. 88


shredtastical said:
there's this fill in trashed lost and strungout, after the first verse going into the second, it also shows before the chorus (1:11-1:13.5) (lyrics: before i go i am very down, or something to that effect) right in between the root-five power chords. anyone mind giving me a hand with it?

Well instead of tabbing it (20mins before I should be leaving for work :O), I'll upload 2 files. 1 is TL&S with only the LEFT guitar audible and then another with only the RIGHT. So there should be NO harmony's (or very faint ones if there is) because the other guitar would have been eliminated.

I actually think I might be worth tabbing this song from the start 'cause there's so many requests for a decent tab and noone can seem to find one that's very accurate all the way through.
I actually think I might be worth tabbing this song from the start 'cause there's so many requests for a decent tab and noone can seem to find one that's very accurate all the way through.

In terms of AYDY tabs, I was actually thinking at taking a crack at In Your Face and Trashed Lost & Strungout in its entirety. Arcane did pretty well with the intro, though the verse is off a bit as well as the solos (even alexi can't play arpeggios that fast :P). Those seem to be the most popular off the new album anyway. Are you just taking the split and turning one side off?
Here's another version (better one nahh the best i think so far...) :) with wahhh and "new alexi's feeling" and fireworks and some other stuff ;) angels don't kill (first solo)

i changed the position by live videos , btw all the notes are correct ,
p.d: the second part of the solo is easer to tab because : reap'n roll Young Guitar Magazine Instructional video fet.Alexi Laiho, i dont have acuratte tabs of that but i mostly tab by ear and sight (videos)
so comment , and , maybe let's tab the entire song i have the best effects in the intro .

and for GP4 vikings :
you confused touch like.....
but awesomeness in your likes!!!! (old stuff)
nice solos!!!! :)

damn you were right with touch like, i corrected it now, it was one note that shifted the whole solo, i think now it's better than before take a look :) but i gotta say, afterall, the solo has no real structure, the notes that i transcripted should be okay, but i didn't regard the fingerings though :)

Touch like Solo
crawler64 said:
well this has nothing to do with your topic, but i wanted to share my Solo transcriptions of Something Wild.

Red Light in my Eyes I
The Nail
Touch like an Angel of Death (quite hard one)

if you find any mistakes, please correct and post them here

Not bad. I don't actually know those solos too well so it's hard to comment but if you wanna stick the rest of the instruments with 'em, I'll put 'em in the first post.

shredtastical said:
In terms of AYDY tabs, I was actually thinking at taking a crack at In Your Face and Trashed Lost & Strungout in its entirety. Arcane did pretty well with the intro, though the verse is off a bit as well as the solos (even alexi can't play arpeggios that fast :P). Those seem to be the most popular off the new album anyway. Are you just taking the split and turning one side off?

I'd being interested in seeing what you come up with if you tab either of them, even though most tabs for In Your Face seem accurate enough, excluding the solos.

Here's another version (better one nahh the best i think so far...) with wahhh and "new alexi's feeling" and fireworks and some other stuff angels don't kill (first solo)

i changed the position by live videos , btw all the notes are correct ,
p.d: the second part of the solo is easer to tab because : reap'n roll Young Guitar Magazine Instructional video fet.Alexi Laiho, i dont have acuratte tabs of that but i mostly tab by ear and sight (videos)
so comment , and , maybe let's tab the entire song i have the best effects in the intro .

Might aswell first post it, sounds good to me dude.

Altitudes said:
Do you even bother looking at my tabs? I have seen that one on the Racer X forum and that is why I was motivated to make my own by watching some vids of Paul on youtube. I have a hard time believing you tabbed it out, considering it is more incomplete than mine with many more mistakes. The whole song isn't in 2/4 but switches from 3/4 to 4/4 and to 2/4 at some points. I figured since you are a drummer you could help me with the time signatures in the song. Did you correct my wintersun and micheal romeo tabs as well? Sorry if I'm asking to much from ya but you're unreal tabbing abilities is needed.

I didn't look at any of them until last night because I didn't have GP5 installed. I don't think I have The Guitar Chapter on my pc anymore so I couldn't comment on that but I do have (or used to have...) scans of the YG mag that came with the video so I'll compare later or just upload it.

The Wintersun is pretty much your call 'cause I don't listen to them so I wouldn't have a clue as to how accurate is in terms of notes and the techniques used to execute them but it sounds good (I've heard it a few times but that's it).

The PG thing I uploaded was a reaction to "It's missing the section with all the overdubs which makes it hard to tab out." Now you have all the harmony parts. And you're right, I didn't tab it. It's a direct copy of the version from the Japanese tab book, which is wrong in positioning in alot of places so it's not suprising that this is just as bad (I didn't copy it out, btw).

As far as I know, those bars of 17/16 are straight 2/4 (Actually, the whole piece is). The low G is the first note of the bar and then the ones an octave higher are like the last 3 16ths of a beat.

Unfortunately, I don't care much for that piece enough to tab it myself so again, I can't actually comment on the accuracy of the timing or positioning of notes but it sounds perfect as far as I can tell.

You might appreciate this though:


That's all I can do.
I didn't look at any of them until last night because I didn't have GP5 installed. I don't think I have The Guitar Chapter on my pc anymore so I couldn't comment on that but I do have (or used to have...) scans of the YG mag that came with the video so I'll compare later or just upload it.

That would be great if you could uploaded the guitar chapter lessons. You can view the lessons on youtube by typing "Michael Romeo". Also, I have Thrashed, Lost, and Strungout from this Jap magazine. I could upload that if any wants.

The Wintersun is pretty much your call 'cause I don't listen to them so I wouldn't have a clue as to how accurate is in terms of notes and the techniques used to execute them but it sounds good (I've heard it a few times but that's it).

Don't listen to wintersun? :OMG: Fuckin' Beautiful, Brutal, Inspiring music! EPIC! :kickass:

The PG thing I uploaded was a reaction to "It's missing the section with all the overdubs which makes it hard to tab out." Now you have all the harmony parts. And you're right, I didn't tab it. It's a direct copy of the version from the Japanese tab book, which is wrong in positioning in alot of places so it's not suprising that this is just as bad (I didn't copy it out, btw).

Thought so, the tab seemed a bit . . .off

As far as I know, those bars of 17/16 are straight 2/4 (Actually, the whole piece is). The low G is the first note of the bar and then the ones an octave higher are like the last 3 16ths of a beat.

Unfortunately, I don't care much for that piece enough to tab it myself so again, I can't actually comment on the accuracy of the timing or positioning of notes but it sounds perfect as far as I can tell.

You might appreciate this though:

That's all I can do

Dude, your a fuckin legend! Thanks so much! I am still positive the intro is 3/4 because Paul counts in 1...2...3...

Nice to see this thread come alive! Great contributions everyone :kickass:
• A TL&S upload would be cool, yeah.

• Yeah, I find Wintersun boring, tbh...

• You can tell it's 4/4 from the video I posted 'cause it goes:


The first 2 notes are before the actual theme starts...if you know what I mean.
• A TL&S upload would be cool, yeah.

• Yeah, I find Wintersun boring, tbh...

• You can tell it's 4/4 from the video I posted 'cause it goes:


The first 2 notes are before the actual theme starts...if you know what I mean.

I'll try to scan the song from the magazine soon as possible. That's where I got the fill for TLS from :)

I'm still not convinced the song is entirely 4/4 or 2/4. But you could be right, what the hell do I know.