TAB Thread.

Learning theory would definitely help, yes. At least that way, he wouldn't need to randomly guess the next note, he could make an educated estimate, based on the scale/key of the song.
• Sounds good! Just get those solos in there. :D

• Everyone check the first post, I've cleaned it up a bit so it doesn't look so messy.

• Blooddrunk tabs...are we releasing them April 9th, 14th or 15th?
• Sounds good! Just get those solos in there. :D

• Everyone check the first post, I've cleaned it up a bit so it doesn't look so messy.

• Blooddrunk tabs...are we releasing them April 9th, 14th or 15th?

April 9th! I am planning to do a new bodom song on a marked school exam on the 15th or 16th and i am not satisfied with my transcription abilities.
And maybe in the first post you could put a list of tabs that need to be tabbed so people can complete them etc.
A list of tabs of songs that need to be tabbed?

As in, ones that aren't already in the first post? They're not there because there are tabs that already exist that are accurate enough.
And even if I did do that, either no one would even bother taking the time to tab them, or people would tab them and they'd need loads of corrections, which just defeats the object of getting people to re-tab incorrect songs.
Yeah i saw it, it was awesome as usual.
EDIT: P4TOU do you have your TCH in gp file i'll have go for fun.
Oh shit in my previous post i accidentally put "u" instead of "I" sorry Warheart, it looked like i said all the ones you found are rubbish
Lol, -_-.......... I don't care if someone corrects my TCH tab!

I may write one, but it's kinda long with a tonne of variations so it'd take ages to do it my way (basically tabbing everything EXACTLY as it is on the CD) :ill:

Yeah i saw it, it was awesome as usual

Thanks! I may get round to finishing it one day.

I'm currently working on Black Widow. I've got a few more days before I go back to work so I'm gonna see if I can get the best out of the time off.
Like I said 4 pages ago, that would be cool of you and good luck with Black Widow! I think your old one (I think) is on UG... it looks like you because the guitars have names with roman numerals.

If you wonder about where I took my pic then have a look:

Sorry if I did some mistakes. It's not easy to play without the whammy bar (notes where you need it) and it's extremely boring without the keyboards and voices.
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