TAB Thread.

Damn... I got

but I was pretty sure to have higher. Looks like I need a bit of ear training or more concentration.

Honestly I think a lot of that ear test really is about concentration. A lot of the second half ones that are all about timing can easily be heard if you tap your foot with the beat to get a tempo going, and hum the song back to yourself during the gap between the melodies. It makes it absurdly easy.

yet if you try to do it while watching TV, or otherwise not concentrating or really trying, it certainly makes it harder.
Honestly I think a lot of that ear test really is about concentration. A lot of the second half ones that are all about timing can easily be heard if you tap your foot with the beat to get a tempo going, and hum the song back to yourself during the gap between the melodies. It makes it absurdly easy.

yet if you try to do it while watching TV, or otherwise not concentrating or really trying, it certainly makes it harder.

It's even worse when your speakers fails at giving you sound (when it cuts lol).
Damn... I got

but I was pretty sure to have higher. Looks like I need a bit of ear training or more concentration.

I honestly believe that test has nothing to do with your ability to tab or hear the correct notes. Its more of a concentration and short-term memory test, which is where my brain fails :lol: :erk: There were many sections were I had to second guess myself which I believe lowered my score.

To that person that said they got 30 out of 30 on both parts, you are a liar :lol: Unless you actually did but took the test multiple times :p
Good stuff. I've finished the basic structure of the song, just gotta tab gtr & keyboard solos and fill in a few gaps.
so you managed with that messy part in the middle of Lobodomy ? lol I agree with's like fucking messy with the cymbal crashing and the harmonics fusing from everywhere :p
Thanks alot. :)

And yeah, I've done that bit at 01:34. The harmonies are fucked up though 'cause I can hear something, I tab it, and then when I playback the MIDI, it sounds absolutely terrible. Dissonance everywhere, so I've changed it so it doesn't sound so bad. I don't think anyone would care.

God, I hate this song. that part on the top of the staff you could just write ``do you fucking best to make it sound as close as the real song...`` lol but yeah this song is reeaaally agressive but there's some cool parts lol hard to tab for sure
Well I'd like to see other transcriptions of all these songs so I can compare for sure but I'll try my best to get them accurate, even though it's proving difficult so far because of the guitar tones.
Hi guys, I'm 16 and i've been playing guitar for 1 year and 3 months, i think its time to begin tabbing, not hard songs of course , but all what i want to do is just to use my ears and play what i hear , i don't want to be a tab addikt :heh:
can u help me? like some simple melodies or some advice?
thank you
It's got nothing to do with us, you have to go through all the stuff you listen to and decide which is the easiest. Preferably, something easy like pop music where there's just chords or nu-metal or something. Starting off with anything like death metal or whatnot is going to be too much for you if you're just starting. You obviously like COB but it might not be the best thing to start off with.
Yngwie? I don't think so! Start from the bottom and go up, otherwise you'll just end up creating a hundred incorrect tabs. I'd say it's better to start off easy and make accurate tabs and then advance up while still being accurate.

If I wanted incorrect tabs, I'd go to :lol:
Yngwie? I don't think so! Start from the bottom and go up, otherwise you'll just end up creating a hundred incorrect tabs. I'd say it's better to start off easy and make accurate tabs and then advance up while still being accurate.

If I wanted incorrect tabs, I'd go to :lol:

LOL :lol: I say he learn theory before starting! :) He looks like he doesn't know alot of it.

EDIT: W00t, 100th post!

EDIT2: time to change my pic. Having an album art as a pic is considered as failure IMO.