TAB Thread.

Oh, allright. Thats cool.

Does anybody have the new COB tab book. I think its like The Score, and it has Alexi on the front, or something like that, that they would be able to tab out?
It's a Japanese collection of all the tabs they've tabbed before, most of which are already on the net.

Plus, Japanese are terrible at getting fingerings correct.
I knew what it was, I just wasnt sure if anybody had gotten it and tabbed some stuff out. I would just wanna see how they would transcribe it.
Yeah that's it. As I said, it's mainly the fingerings that suck. I have a Paul Gilbert Young Guitar special and they tab this fast run using open strings. :Puke:
Yeah it is. I think when they do those books about one person, that they should have them actually come in and play the song, so they can get the actual transcription.
Exactly. And even when they do have the guitarist play, THEY STILL TAB IT WRONG FFS!!!!!

I can't remember which video it is but I have one where it's tabbed wrong in the book.

Also, there's a Guitar Techniques mag with Paul Gilbert where he comes in the studio and plays Scarified, then in the mag it says "guitar transcribed by..."

wtf is the point of getting someone's interpretation of it when the fucking guy who wrote it sat there and played it.
hey mitch, do you have a decent tab (for the solo) of warheart? i searched this thread so all i got was "hey warheart, can you tab..." for 10 pages :D