TAB Thread.

You're free to make another, because I have found odd things in these tabs you've uploaded. There are snares missing in Towards Dead End, Hate Me melody is wrong fingering, Me Myself My Enemy intro riff is tabbed in like 5 different's not "professional". The others I don't know so well, but there are just silly little things.
To everyone who is making a mess for nothing:
Nope, sorry but again... NO? And again... NO!
Seriously, THIS is the tab thread and it's been the only one for fucking ages, it's the reference for everyone. And I am getting boring and everything else, but... hello, it's not like every week CoB make a new song that needs to be tabbed! All the tabs done are amazing, the best ones you can find in the Internet... and also, please people, do realise that and pretty much most of the songs were done, hence there's no need to be so anxious and whine about this "steady-situation"... tabbing songs is not a full time job.
You're free to make another, because I have found odd things in these tabs you've uploaded. There are snares missing in Towards Dead End, Hate Me melody is wrong fingering, Me Myself My Enemy intro riff is tabbed in like 5 different's not "professional". The others I don't know so well, but there are just silly little things.

Should I really count all those mistakes you made in your tabs? You're talking about wrong finger positions and snare peanuts (I've always mentioned that my main focus is on guitars) but didn't realize that you have so many wrong or missing notes in your tabs that I really have to ask my self what's this thread about because when you prefer tabs with wrong notes over tabs with wrong fingering (I used different finger positions in me, myself, my enemy because I'm not sure how to play it and so everybody can use the fingering which fits best for him) then I will stop here. I will still make tabs and post them here so if you like them it's ok and if not I won't say anything.
You should note that I focus on EVERYTHING, so yes, drums matters, and so does the presentation of the tab and correct harmonics too. I didn't tab most of the tabs on the first page, they're mostly from others including yourself and people that used to post here and also from the internet with minor adjustments, so I will not take the blame for that.

The tabs that I have done 100% myself I do believe to be accurate, like Blooddrunk and One Day You Will Cry etc.

The only thing I tabbed from Something Wild is The Nail outro.
From Hatebreeder, Black Widow.
From Follow The Reaper, Everytime I Die & Mask Of Sanity, which are 90% +.
From HCDR, Angels Don't Kill.
From AYDY...Trashed 1st half

So from 5 albums, I've tabbed 7 songs. Hardly my fault that the others have mistakes.
Should I really count all those mistakes you made in your tabs? You're talking about wrong finger positions and snare peanuts (I've always mentioned that my main focus is on guitars) but didn't realize that you have so many wrong or missing notes in your tabs that I really have to ask my self what's this thread about because when you prefer tabs with wrong notes over tabs with wrong fingering (I used different finger positions in me, myself, my enemy because I'm not sure how to play it and so everybody can use the fingering which fits best for him) then I will stop here.

Excuse me, dude, nothing against you, but you should really get off your high horse... no one here hates you or said you are useless or something like that, but when I read stuff like the things you just typed, I can't avoid to say: WHO do you think you are?!? My God, you are acting in such a way that shows no humbleness... do you really think YOUR TABS are PERFECT? I tell you: they are NOT (and I'm not the only one who says this).
Good Lord, just stop wanting to be the Master of the situation, especially when no one even started a sorta competion like seems you are doing.

I will still make tabs and post them here so if you like them it's ok and if not I won't say anything.
Good boy. That's the spirit.
You should note that I focus on EVERYTHING, so yes, drums matters, and so does the presentation of the tab and correct harmonics too. I didn't tab most of the tabs on the first page, they're mostly from others including yourself and people that used to post here and also from the internet with minor adjustments, so I will not take the blame for that.

The tabs that I have done 100% myself I do believe to be accurate, like Blooddrunk and One Day You Will Cry etc.

The only thing I tabbed from Something Wild is The Nail outro.
From Hatebreeder, Black Widow.
From Follow The Reaper, Everytime I Die & Mask Of Sanity, which are 90% +.
From HCDR, Angels Don't Kill.
From AYDY...Trashed 1st half

So from 5 albums, I've tabbed 7 songs. Hardly my fault that the others have mistakes.

About Blooddrunk I have to say that from those I've used from first page like BFH, BD, DWEDFN and TMR only Blooddrunk was the only tab which is really accurate. I haven't checked the other tabs but the other 3 tabs I've mentioned - especially DWEDFN - aren't pretty good. Haven't checked The Nail and Black Widow but ETID for example is now a good tab after Haemlock and I corrected it and so are the two Hate me versions which are much better after I corrected them. ADK has also mistakes in all instruments in it starting with bar 8... And I'm also talking about Sinergy.
My tabs also have some mistakes especially the ones which are already on first page, but I'm working on all of them.

Victim: You didn't get the point. This is not about me and my absolutely brilliant tabs and that I'm the king of tabbing. This is about the sense of the tab thread which is totally senseless at the moment in my eyes. But I will tell again why:
As I've already mentioned before: The first page is full of tabs which are way off including mine and Mitch's tab. Mitch is the person who upload the tabs on his server and put them on first page and he's the one who started making a thread with the most accurate tabs on the net.
Now comes the irony: He uploaded tabs which he obviously haven't checked and also has tabs of him uploaded which are partly full of mistakes like DWEDFN but is telling me that he didn't see the point of uploading the tabs I made because of wrong fingering and a missing snare?!? Come on...
A last thing:
1. I have never said that my tabs are perfect.
2. Stop telling me they aren't when you have never submitted anything here.
Victim: You didn't get the point. This is not about me and my absolutely brilliant tabs and that I'm the king of tabbing. This is about the sense of the tab thread which is totally senseless at the moment in my eyes. But I will tell again why:
As I've already mentioned before: The first page is full of tabs which are way off including mine and Mitch's tab. Mitch is the person who upload the tabs on his server and put them on first page and he's the one who started making a thread with the most accurate tabs on the net.
Now comes the irony: He uploaded tabs which he obviously haven't checked and also has tabs of him uploaded which are partly full of mistakes like DWEDFN but is telling me that he didn't see the point of uploading the tabs I made because of wrong fingering and a missing snare?!? Come on...
A last thing:
1. I have never said that my tabs are perfect.
2. Stop telling me they aren't when you have never submitted anything here.
I got everything you said, and like I said, it's the Tab Thread and tabbing is not a full time job, come on! And also:

1) Oh yeah, you kind of do say that. And you act like it. At least on here.
2) I don't need to submit anything to state what I stated, I don't need to submit anything to be aware of the idiocy that goes on here in moments like these. Do I need to play violin to appreciate music in which there's violin? No. Do I need to be a bass player to comment on how bad a bass player plays if he does hit the wrong notes or makes awful sounds? No. Do I need to submit any tab from me in this thread to have the chance to say stuff you or other submit is wrong? No. I just have the right to say the truth and "fight" (wrong word but can't think of another, sorry) you if you say bullsh*t, dude.
3) Many people think the same as me but don't say it because they can't be bothered arguing or typing at all, because of course it's just Internet... but even if you will get nothing of what I said, I still stated because had some time to kill and will always speak my mind... no tape on my mouth will stop me from doing that, hoorayyyy.
4) You say good things about the work you do and then end up always moaning about others' but especially Mitch... a comparison, not explicit, but a comparison, you are authomatically living a sort of competion with him, as if you want to prove he is bad at what he does and you are the saviour or the one who will be able to fix his "mistakes"... how can you say he does NOT check the stuff he uploads? Do you know him personally and do you know his way of living/the stuff he has to do (like everyone), how does he tab and all that? He could be a Music Theory teacher and you have no idea how much he is prepared about it, just for the record, so instead of doing all this, I think you could be more tolerant and not ALWAYS think it's the others who do mistakes... for on here, you never say you do mistakes, it's always others and you go "eh, if you corrected this, if you corrected that... this is wrong, that is wrong, those little bits there are wrong, all those are wrong, it's full of mistakes, I can tab it" as if you are better and all that jazz.
But I'm tired of typing and I am actually laughin' at myself for writing here at the moment... I didn't mean to offend you or anything, just want you to understand, for I do understand.

And read again these words of mine:

┼Victim of the Night┼;9078680 said:
Excuse me, dude, nothing against you, but you should really get off your high horse... no one here hates you or said you are useless or something like that, but when I read stuff like the things you just typed, I can't avoid to say: WHO do you think you are?!? My God, you are acting in such a way that shows no humbleness... do you really think YOUR TABS are PERFECT? I tell you: they are NOT (and I'm not the only one who says this).
Good Lord, just stop wanting to be the Master of the situation, especially when no one even started a sorta competion like seems you are doing.
Now, if you have other to say, I am not sure I'll reply again because I know anything I say will end up crushin against a wall and be not understood, and anyway I said all I had to say... to each their own, but surely time will fix things.
So, sorry for the ranting and if I offended you or anything... time for me to go, bye to you and everyone!
^^There's no reason to act like this. How old are we today? If nobody in this forum wants to see my point and see the facts, I also don't care about the future of this thread.

^ This is ridiculous.
All I know is that you all need to stop acting like bitches and get this tab shit going again. I just recently reformatted and there a few tabs in here that I actually liked, which I'd like to download again.
You guys should not forget the high quality level you are. Even the tabs you claim as "full of mistakes" are probably the most accurate tabs in the internet. At least I prefer to have not-100%-tabs from here over shitty tabs from other sites which are never as good as tabs from here.
So I'm happy about every tab from here and would Warheart like to put it in the first post.
Stupid questions but wheres the page for Arcanes tabs? I haven't actually been following up on everything here so yeah...


why are you guys bitching instead of helping each to make those tabs oke.
dammit man....

what is this

Warheart PLEASE return the First post to what it was ?
Don't tell me that to get Arcanes tabs we'll have to go to each of his vids to get them :S

Mitch return the first post back to normal!
Good thing that I have already downloaded most of those tabs, so I didn't lose anything. But I wouldn't mind if Mitch would return the first post to what it was.
This is what happens when people argue about stupid bullshit that doesn't matter, rather than appreciate what's been accomplished by all parties involved.

Even if there are tiny mistakes, it's not like anything will ever be perfect.

EDIT: Not placing blame on any specific person. This whole situation is dumb.
This is what happens when people argue about stupid bullshit that doesn't matter, rather than appreciate what's been accomplished by all parties involved.

Even if there are tiny mistakes, it's not like anything will ever be perfect.

EDIT: Not placing blame on any specific person. This whole situation is dumb.


Exactly my thoughts.
You guys should not forget the high quality level you are. Even the tabs you claim as "full of mistakes" are probably the most accurate tabs in the internet. At least I prefer to have not-100%-tabs from here over shitty tabs from other sites which are never as good as tabs from here.
So I'm happy about every tab from here and would Warheart like to put it in the first post.


Also, Arcane, I understand your point, and I do agree with you, but sometimes the way you go about things is a little ridiculous and overly critical. It didn't need to come down to this at all. I think you both need to just make up and stop the arguing. You take this tab thread as something like a career when it was originally something Mitch started to be helpful. I think it's great that both of you are doing this for people, and by god, if there is one wrong fucking note or snare hit every here and there, tough shit, no ones perfect.

If anything, I think that there should be a rating bar of some sort next to each tab that each person can vote on to give a heads up about the quality of the tablature. None of them are bad by any means, and the tabs here are the best on the internet, bar none.

Lastly, even if Alexi himself were to make tabs I could 100% guarantee you the instruments wouldn't be exactly the same as on the albums.

In short, everyone grow up.
Wow are you kidding me? Arcane you need to get off your high horse about your tabs. And Mitch you need to not be so sensitive over Arcane's comments. He's got a point that it's hypocritical to not upload new tabs because they have a few mistakes or are not professional, yet have many tabs in the first post that you even said had mistakes. I understand that you're probably a busy person and you can't devote 100% of your time to uploading and checking new tabs. But is it not better to have a 99% accurate tab in the first post from Arcane than no tab at all? I'm sure that EVERY SINGLE TAB that was in the first post contained an error somewhere in the tab, but that's not the point. The point is these tabs were the most accurate on the internet by far! If I ever go to UG to find a tab of something, it is no where near as nice or accurate as even the worst tab was in this thread.

And removing all the tabs from the first page? Are you kidding me? You're going to let some small argument with Arcane keep everyone else from accessing all of the hard work everyone has put into this thread?