TAB Thread.

come on Mitch pleaase put the tabs back on! I only said it needed an update, and that if Arcane and other people where posting tabs that corrected some mistakes in the other ones, (I never really compared tabs extremely or looked for a mistake) the first post should be updated. That (deciding which one was to be posted in the first post) was up to you though...
Also, Arcane, I understand your point, and I do agree with you, but sometimes the way you go about things is a little ridiculous and overly critical. It didn't need to come down to this at all. I think you both need to just make up and stop the arguing. You take this tab thread as something like a career when it was originally something Mitch started to be helpful. I think it's great that both of you are doing this for people, and by god, if there is one wrong fucking note or snare hit every here and there, tough shit, no ones perfect.

If anything, I think that there should be a rating bar of some sort next to each tab that each person can vote on to give a heads up about the quality of the tablature. None of them are bad by any means, and the tabs here are the best on the internet, bar none.

Lastly, even if Alexi himself were to make tabs I could 100% guarantee you the instruments wouldn't be exactly the same as on the albums.

In short, everyone grow up.

Completely agreed.
Awwww, this makes me so sad... you guys really have done a great work, and you should stop arguing about tiny mistakes which doesn't matter remotely. Fact is, as stated in this thread, the tabs on the first page were probably the most accurate and proffessional CoB tabs on the internet, and it's very sad to see them go.
Leave it to a wristband and guitar players finger better shirt wearing loser to ruin shit for everybody. Lemme break this down for you. For a while now Arcane has been posting his videos, and with each video posted he probably believed he gained more respect and a more authoritative opinion than everyone else. I don't care what you think, but I know in his head he's probably thinking "yeah, I'm the man of these boards now!". Then he goes and says, "this thread hasn't been updated in a year", and "I'll make a new thread with all of my stuff in it!". All of this done publicly, mind you. As a result, Mitch feels offended, and rightly so. There isn't a point for a new thread, especially by someone as implicitly condescending as Arcane. Arcane just probably hit Mitch's tipping point, something he's probably been working at for a while now.

Anyone by chance have a lot of this stuff downloaded? Would kill for a complete .rar including the tabs, perhaps the backing tracks, too.
I apologize for making the original suggestion of a new thread, I'd seen and heard that the first page wasn't being updated with everything that was being posted and thought you (Mitch) didn't have the time or something. I didn't realize you had reasons for not putting in certain tabs, so I'm sorry for that.
The tabs in this thread are the best Bodom tabs on the net and I (and I'm sure everyone else) really appreciate the effort you put into them. I know that you laboured, not only to get the correct notes, but also the correct positions/fingerings to make everything as close to the way Bodom plays it as possible. I hope you choose to place the tabs back up again and, again, I'm sorry for any offence given.
If im honest, im quite gutted about the first post here, even though i rarely pass comment in physical replies im constantly reading this thread and can completely understand why Mitch is fed up, i dont quite think certain people, mentioning no names, appreciate how long and how much spare time it takes to keep tabs (no pun intended) on such a thread. not only is he doing that he's constantly changing the actual substance and material within it.
Now theres mentions of a separate thread being made, i can assure you, nothing anyone else can make will be anywhere near the quality of what has been showcasing for so damn long. i mean c'mon the first post was over 4 years ago that shows me to a massive commitment and loyalty. i believe in constructive criticism but some comments that have been passed are beyond constructive.

Call me an back side licker but if im really honest, Mitch is right whether he returns the first post or not, its his 4 years of work and material to do with as he wishes.
Like, honestly guys, you have been friends for all those years on this forum and now there's fights and shit. Arcane dude, don't go this way, don't start new thread about "my tabs this and that". If there is a problem I think you and Mitch have to talk about it privately and solve the problem. And also - Mitch, you also don't have to take all the tabs because of one person's decision. Don't hate me for this post, I give credit to both Mitch and Arcane.
Well said Predator.
If you guys disagree, maybe you should work it out privately instead of erasing all the hard work mitch and arcane (and the other guys) have done.
Ok tab gods.....I need some help. PLEASE!!!

I am in the process of learning Tie My Rope (what a sick fucking song), and I have it all down except for the solo and the interlude. I have the tab book and a GP tab and I don't think the interlude in either one are right(based off of watching a video of Alexi playing it. It looks like he has almost a chord fretted but is picking notes individually.

Can any one assist me with the shape or does anyone have tab for this? It would be very much appreciated as that is my fav part of the song and I just can't seem to get it figured out on my own.
Ok tab gods.....I need some help. PLEASE!!!

I am in the process of learning Tie My Rope (what a sick fucking song), and I have it all down except for the solo and the interlude. I have the tab book and a GP tab and I don't think the interlude in either one are right(based off of watching a video of Alexi playing it. It looks like he has almost a chord fretted but is picking notes individually.

Can any one assist me with the shape or does anyone have tab for this? It would be very much appreciated as that is my fav part of the song and I just can't seem to get it figured out on my own.

Post a tab of what the book says, I'm interested.
Post a tab of what the book says, I'm interested.

You want just the interlude?

I'm at work and we have a scanner so I'll bring my book in with me tomorrow and scan what ever you are wanting and post it.

Yea, the book is ok. I mean it seems that the notes are correct, but the positioning is just way off on some things. I can usually rearange it to make it easier for me, but this one is giving me so much trouble.
Ok tab gods.....I need some help. PLEASE!!!

I am in the process of learning Tie My Rope (what a sick fucking song), and I have it all down except for the solo and the interlude. I have the tab book and a GP tab and I don't think the interlude in either one are right(based off of watching a video of Alexi playing it. It looks like he has almost a chord fretted but is picking notes individually.

Can any one assist me with the shape or does anyone have tab for this? It would be very much appreciated as that is my fav part of the song and I just can't seem to get it figured out on my own.

Well the tab I have I think from this thread has that interlude is played starting at the 11th fret. I do it my own way .. I start off barring the 6th fret, followed by the 9th, followed by the, then the 13th, and lastly the 16th. Just listen to tab and figure out the fingering. I find it much easier to play that way myself.

edit: altho i'm pretty certain alexi plays it the way the tab in this thread had it
See the one in my tab book has it on like the 9th fret and then switches to 11th but the shapes just don't seem right.

I'll post it tomorrow so you guys can see it.
You want just the interlude?

I'm at work and we have a scanner so I'll bring my book in with me tomorrow and scan what ever you are wanting and post it.

Yea, the book is ok. I mean it seems that the notes are correct, but the positioning is just way off on some things. I can usually rearange it to make it easier for me, but this one is giving me so much trouble.

Well yeah, just the middle. I'm not too fussed about the rest, cheers. :kickass:
As promised, here is what the Blooddrunk tab book says the Interlude for Tie My Rope is:


Sorry they are so big. I'm new to this uploading pictures thing.
Yea, whenever I get a new tab book I just sit there and read it along with the cd playing, as I can usually tell how a riff or lick is going to sound just based off of how it looks, but this Interlude is just giving me a really hard time, even when playing along at a slow speed with GP.

The tab I have for GP is totally diff than this, but it does seem to make more sense.
Mitch dude plz put the tabs back up!
I understand that u are pissed with morons who keep judging those tabs but just ignore them!
This thread used to be the best source of all COB tabs by far!
Now its so hard to find any good COB tabs :cry: