Does anyone have the Warheart backing track with just the lead guitar removed? I think it was in "Original COB Backing Tracks" but the link in the first post is broken.
I get: "Error (404)I downloaded it.
Thank you so much, it was "Warheart Backing Track 1" that I was looking forLake Bodom Tab
Maybe the one your looking for is one of these 2:
Warheart Backing Track 1
Warheart Backing Track 2
Allthough it mainly contains some Scales/Arpeggios I've uploaded the In Your Face DVD Tab PDF file, maybe someone is interessted.
Also contains Blooddrunk, HCDR, TMR and some other stuff, might be helpful, don't know how correct it is.
Anyway, click HERE
This song is very easy with very simple chords. I think you can figure it out for yourself
wich songs are in drop D ? thanks.