TAB Thread.

Does anyone know how this Bending-Technique is called?
I think its called Unison bending.

E: In this case the unison would simply be the g that is bended (?) to an a. I've asked my teacher and he said that the other notes (d & c) don't matter, it's still called a unison bending. Hope, he is right about this one.
I think its called Unison bending.

E: In this case the unison would simply be the g that is bended (?) to an a. I've asked my teacher and he said that the other notes (d & c) don't matter, it's still called a unison bending. Hope, he is right about this one.

Und da du anscheinen bei mir aus dem Eck kommst, danke ;)
Hey guys! How do you play Blooddunk main riff in terms of muting:


im having an issue with those last two "0"s, i mute them, then i lift my right hand a bit so that next part sounds clean, but last "0" still buzzes slightly. I mean its not that easy to hear, but still wtf, it was ok with my previous guitar, now it sounds like shit. Same story with Hellhounds main riff. Something wrong with my palm-muting technique or its my guitar?
I do it exactly like you do. Try it on less speed and see, if the issue reproduces.
If it does you have to work a little bit on your technique, otherwise you just have to get a little faster because it would be an issue of speed then.

Do you play the last two Cs with down- or alternatepicking? For me, it is easier to play them with downpicking.
Exedo, downpicking aswell. I did an investigation of whats going on and played it slower as you recommend, heres what i figured out: no matter how hard i pick it takes significant amount of time for a muted C string to calm, the only parameter i can change is the right hand position. I mean mine lies just next to the bridge and obviously itd be easier to mute if i move it up the bridge but i consider it wrong.
since ive visited the thread, let me correct one little thing

sounds better imho :P
Ok i modified picking so now when i lift my hand it still mutes C with its edge, it feels unnatural but it kinda helps. Dunno how its gonna work for 4-5 etc strings though.
Well it is nothing too secret, (if you still have it check my pm to you from nov 1/ 2011)

btw are there any mod who can fix my problem with pm and posting reply?