OK this is what I got for the Downfall solo.
I slowed the song down to half speed, then half of that, then half of that to help me. I can't get bar 5 I think it is. The E string ascending run bit is perfect, as is the descending one, those bits were the easiest to hear.
I'm also wondering what fingers he uses during bar 3/4. Is he using fingers 1,2,3 for frets 17,19,20, then playing 22 with his pinky,
Or sliding up for the D note and then coming back down...
I think he uses the first one but I'm not positive.
Also, I think maybe it's a good idea to start a tab thread, where people can show others their versions of CoB/Sinergy solos that maybe haven't been transcribed, or are just plain wrong. Scythes of Bodom have one and I've got some pretty decent tabs from it.