
I've been trying to find an accurate tab for Downfall...But I am yet to find a good one... the best i've found yet is the Guitar Pro one...Any other suggestions?
Any suggestions besides like " Sound it out"...I cant do that...
Ah! I haven't been playing too long...If you count all the actuall serious playing then it's over a year or so...luckily I've progressed fairly well...besides actually trying to piece together a song by ear...
Do you think you could tab out the intro/main riff for me?, the way you play it...because that the only part i'm looking for...
just learn it by your self, use your ears!!!
worst case you will be bashed that you play shit and it will give you a good reason to tell every one to go and fuck them self ones again

and the real benefit that you will get out of it, is musical hearing, musical sense,
you'll get faster familiar with the fretboard

I believe it's correct, contrary to the other tabs i've seen.
That intro is wrong, you're right Wings of a Dream. He plays it the correct way on the new Young Guitar video.

Threadstarter, apart from the intro and solo, I think the rest of those GP files are pretty accurate. Like the interlude bits and verse and stuff.

I'm curious myself about the exactly way to play the solo, I might try tab it later.
Ne one know where i can find good sinergy tabs(other than the ones for gp4)
Im realy looking for Return to the fourth world and ive tried learning it by ear but i have a hard time..
OK this is what I got for the Downfall solo.

I slowed the song down to half speed, then half of that, then half of that to help me. I can't get bar 5 I think it is. The E string ascending run bit is perfect, as is the descending one, those bits were the easiest to hear.

I'm also wondering what fingers he uses during bar 3/4. Is he using fingers 1,2,3 for frets 17,19,20, then playing 22 with his pinky,
Or sliding up for the D note and then coming back down...
I think he uses the first one but I'm not positive.

Also, I think maybe it's a good idea to start a tab thread, where people can show others their versions of CoB/Sinergy solos that maybe haven't been transcribed, or are just plain wrong. Scythes of Bodom have one and I've got some pretty decent tabs from it.