Tabbing Katatonia (read the first post)

Misere Nobis

Apr 2, 2007
The Netherlands
I thought maybe it would be good idea to make a thread about tabbing Katatonia songs. I don't know if the band is against tabs of their songs on the internet, if they are this thread can be deleted of course

Some important things:
-Don't ask for tabs that are widely available on the internet
-Don't put down a list with like 20 songs that you want people to tab for you, maybe one or two at max.
-It would be cool if anyone could post the riffs he/she figured out in this topic, and we can all contribute and/or correct each other
-Try to figure the song out yourself first
Same here with the time. Which ones do you have already? Perhaps I can be of any help to figure out some parts, if you haven't completed them that is.

Ehm, I was working on July I guess, but it was deleted because of a crash.
In there I heard some annoying little note of which I had no Idea how to fit it in a chord ;P
I'll try to retab it and maybe now I'll find out.
Thanks for the offer!
ah the old tabbing times ^^

good memories ;P
We could start again any time! Not sticking too long on songs we're stuck with, but just easy ones or something, hehe. As a start ;)

I tabbed a few oldies already. I'm a bit stuck on Day and Last Resort. I only publish them when I feel they're nearly perfect... I hate how many shit tabs there are on the net.

Yeah, I also take tabbing very serious (using dynamics and everything). I'm pretty perfectionistic when it comes to that. I hope it shows, haha
I was working on a guitar pro tab from Last Resort as well. So far I only have the intro tabbed out, but the rest of the song won't be a problem once I found the motivation to finish it haha.

A tab of Day would be awesome! It is one of these songs where I find it quite hard to hear what they are playing exactly.

July is also a great song to play I think, although I don't really like retuning my guitar everytime, I'm quite lazy :P
Haha, I expected no less! You don't sound like a dickhead :lol: My musical ear is not that great, I just started tabbing out stuff myself to train it a little bit. But I'm curious to hear your tab!
good memories ;P
We could start again any time! Not sticking too long on songs we're stuck with, but just easy ones or something, hehe. As a start ;)

Yeah, I also take tabbing very serious (using dynamics and everything). I'm pretty perfectionistic when it comes to that. I hope it shows, haha

after wasting 5-6 months playing World of Warcraft and finally getting rid of it recently, yeah we can start tabbing again. We were doing Soil's song and you finished whole drum tabs and i was the lazy one. I can continue writing the guitars. =)
Hey Cerulean, I don't want to put any pressure on you but how is it going with you tabs of Last Resort and Day? :blush:

I recently found out that it's pretty easy to figure out Help Me Disappear when you cut away the vocals. I just need some help on 1 riff, the one at 1.15. Anyone who knows how to play this? I can't get it right with the muting part and the right notes.