The Vincm0rt "Katatonia Tabs" Project =)

I'd really like if you guys could tab musics from Discouraged Ones and Tonights Decision such as Last Resort,Saw you Drown,Relention,Nightmares by the sea etc. They're really simple songs in structure so you wouldnt have that much work to do it.

I also would like to ask if you guys have any tabs from Daylight Dies,the only GP tab they had was for "I wait" and it was uploaded on mysongbook which is now closed.Im looking for this tab so if you have it I'd be very grateful.
Isn't there anybody who feels like putting them in normal text, so that the unlycky ones that uses Mac can at least see what it looks like... I know they released a GP veriosn for mac but i refuse to pay for it and... well... there isn't anybody who taught it was worth ripping the mac verison... (Someday my honesty will punish me)
IFK_Gothenburg said:
Isn't there anybody who feels like putting them in normal text, so that the unlycky ones that uses Mac can at least see what it looks like... I know they released a GP veriosn for mac but i refuse to pay for it and... well... there isn't anybody who taught it was worth ripping the mac verison... (Someday my honesty will punish me)
if you have Virtual PC you can use the powertab editor on your Mac
I've made a tab for Relention but it's really not spot on in some places (especially the bass). Nevertheless, PM me if you need the pointers.
Animals said:

dude the Project kinda got on "hold" because after we've done 3/4 of the tab my computer got formatted and then i felt kinda lazy to finish the tab. Mainly, the problem is that i cannot clearly find the bridge of the song =(
good work

by the you have a good GP tab for "funeral wedding"...most of the online tablatures are unaccurate

anyway thanks :kickass: