taking the plunge on the Axe FX i think...need advice


May 28, 2010
I play pretty much only through headphones in my apartment, so I obviously can't get a real tube amp. I have purchased and tried many different amp modelers such as a digitech RP355, pod farm, guitar rig, amplitube, etc... and they all just sound too shitty for my tastes. I have tried to get into the whole custom impulses thing and using lepou plugins, but I just can't seem to get any of it to work properly. So, I think that my only option left is to purchase a POD HD500, or an Axe FX. After reading many reviews and searching the forums, it seems like the Axe FX is the better option (although expensive). What are your opinions? Would either of these be suitable for plugging headphones directly in and jamming? Is there a huge difference in sound between the new Axe FX II and the Axe FX Ultra? Sorry if this has all been discussed before, I just need some direct advice before I spend alot of money. If I do get the Axe FX Ultra or II, I figured I would just grab it through ebay...
ok fuck it, I just took the plunge... i bought an axe fx II on ebay... :goggly:
I figure if I hate it (which is highly unlikely), I can just resell it.
I've enjoyed the II I bought for the studio so much that I've ordered two more to use live with the band for myself and our other guitarist. Hate the headphone port though! I wouldn't suggest making patches on it, you'll hate em when you hear em thru something else.
unfortunately I can only play silently, so headphones will have to do :/ I hope my mid-level headphones will work ok...
Don't get me wrong, the port isn't shitty but I've found patches don't translate well. At least, not the ones I've made!

Headphones would be perfect for silent playing using stock patches or patches you've made exclusively for the headphones.
I've had an axe-fx 2 for about 10 days or so now, and I'm about to put it up on ebay. I used to have an ultra and just wanted to check it out and see what it was like, knowing that I won't lose any money on it... Well, some of the features make it more convenient and it can do a bit more with effects, but not much more, and I wouldn't say it's a big improvement over the Ultra in terms of modeling. It sounds about the same really.

In fact, I tried it out for both guitar and bass versus TSE 808 -> TSE X50 -> IRs for guitar and just Ampeg SVX for bass....... and I liked both the free amp sim and Ampeg SVX much more than the Axe-FX II for both instruments...

If it wasn't about $2850 to use the II and the MFC-101, it would be an awesome and convenient effects choice.... but it costs a lot of money and the modeling is really just not that good outside of clean tones, in my opinion. It is very easy to get incredible ambient clean tones out of it, but I can do that already with my 5150 III's cleans (or just going straight DI with some compression and EQ) and eventide pedals... So, for me, the Axe-FX II is very cool for effects and clean tones, but its cost exceeds its value.

I'm probably going to make around $400 reselling it. I'm going to use that money to get a free Eventide Pitchfactor. :)
Loving the axe 2 at the mo .
It is a deep unit in terms of tweaking options , be prepared .
I also think it represents amazing value with constant firmware
updates and unlimited sonic possibilities .
I am struggling to find any major gripes .