Taking the wife to see TSO this Saturday...

I'm not sure I can even put into words how great the Birmingham show was.Soto and Petrelli........absolutely amazing!!! I don't know what else to say other than one of the best concerts of my life!!!
I enjoyed the show greatly, of course. $55 for floor seats, for a show THAT elaborate and with a large ensemble cast of performers and vocalists is an outright steal.

Song-wise I think I preferred the 2008 tour a bit more (we got "Believe," for one thing), and Savatage WAS mentioned from stage that time; no such luck last night, but from a performance standpoint I thought last night was great!

I was majorly bummed that I couldn't stick around for the meet'n'greet, but the show let out extremely late for a TSO show (11pm) and I had to get downtown to do WREKage from the studio. And I was still late; Gwinnett County REALLY needs to work on their traffic plan. :erk:

And yeah, JSS stole the show. It was also a true pleasure to see Vitalij Kuprij live; he's a true legend of the prog-metal scene.

Conversation with my 11 year-old daughter during her first ever concert...

Haley: Dad, how big is your show?
Me: Well, there are 9,000+ people here. My show is for 1,500.
Haley: Oh (quietly).


(five minutes later)

Haley: You know people. Can you get me Lady Gaga tickets?

*sigh again*

LOL. Yeah, those displays and billboards were seemingly EVERYWHERE. :)
I was there as well for Atlanta. Great show - as expected!

The only complaint I would have of the show is the speed they play the material... (And Angus being a little overboard on his facial expressions - I think the man jizzed his pants everytime he solo'd :p)

It seems to get slower and slower every year, but man...this year really was almost TOO slow. I don't know if they're doing it for dramatic effect with the lighting and stuff...but some of the songs (compared to the album) just crawled by. Like "An Angel Came Down"...

Still, was a great show - but it reminds me of the BLN tour. The album's like 70 minutes - but live it was over 2+ hours to play it all (w/ narration of course).

Still - the lighting show was unbelievable this year. I'm always like - how are they going to top it. Then they do...I mean freaking fireworks this year - come on!
I was majorly bummed that I couldn't stick around for the meet'n'greet, but the show let out extremely late for a TSO show (11pm)

This was the first time I stayed around for the meet and greet.

It was well organized, but clearly time-managed: no photo-ops allowed, and the keepers kept the line moving at a steady, almost hurried pace. I wonder if it's always like this, or were they hurrying the pace due to the late hour? I'm guessing it might also depend on the size of the crowd waiting in line -- this was pretty long. It would have taken hours at ProgPower-speed. :)
I'm sure part of it was because they were playing 2 shows in Alabama the next day (one at 3 pm, the other at night).


Although I think they usually haven't allowed photo-ops in the past anyway, except maybe after the whole line has gone through.

Did anyone see the "bum" outside the venue before the show? Gotta admit, we were fooled for about half a second.... :)
Conversation with my 11 year-old daughter during her first ever concert...

Haley: Dad, how big is your show?
Me: Well, there are 9,000+ people here. My show is for 1,500.
Haley: Oh (quietly).


(five minutes later)

Haley: You know people. Can you get me Lady Gaga tickets?

*sigh again*

This is CLASSIC! (made me laugh)

And to think...this is only the beginning.
The only complaint I would have of the show is the speed they play the material...

It seems to get slower and slower every year, but man...this year really was almost TOO slow. I don't know if they're doing it for dramatic effect with the lighting and stuff...but some of the songs (compared to the album) just crawled by. Like "An Angel Came Down"...


I finally got to see TSO for the first time last night in KC (West group). I must admit that I wasn't familiar with a lot of the material except for the more well known tunes from the first record. I like ballads just as much as the heavy stuff, but there was a point where there was something like 3 or 4 sloooooow tunes in a row.....I mean, really dragging. At that point I was thinking "this really sucks" and if the show ends soon then I will be really pissed. Luckily, the pace picked up for the latter part.

I was originally sitting on the side (upper deck) basically parallel to the stage for the first 5 or 6 tunes. While this allowed me to see the performers well, I knew I was missing the real star of the show which is the lights, lasers, backdrop LED screen, etc, so I relocated myself to near the back of the arena for the rest of the show....much, much better.