Taming string slap on bass?


New Metal Member
Jun 17, 2010
hey guys, i know you guys are going to give me shit for asking a question that i can just look up in previous threads
but i would like some up-to-date stuff about this.

got any idea on how to tame that bass string slap shit?
other than compressing, limiting, and/or just cutting out the dominant
frequency of the slap/click of the strings?
and what is the best way of giving bass the best distortion
(as plug-ins go) i know..i would rather put it though an amp
but i dont have one at the moment.

thanks for your time, guys
happy mixing:Smokedev:

would a compressor with a side-chained EQ work?
if the slapping is intentional (actual slap bass playing): record the DI so that it doesn't clip and then run the DI signal thru a bass amp and mic it (or use an ampsim) and compress that signal heavily with two compressors (first 3:1 with medium attack and release and atleast 8dB constant attenuation, then 8:1 with really fast attack and release only to tame the slapping peaks)

if the slapping is unintentional: play it better goddamn it