tampa show

Belgar said:
Guess Tomasz enjoys writing reports, so his minute by minute report of thw whole show and pre and after show will follow sometimes tonight with some pictures.

.........eeeeeeeehhhhhhhh ok, here goes; neck.....sore, head......hurts, voice.....gone, $80..........gone (beervaporated), sleeep......no sleep, head......still hurts, AA........gone :(, guy who's line is "wanna go to the van"........gone, "Patrick Pizza" prepared by Belgar.......gone (I don't know how we ate that charcoal), memories.......remain, .....to be continued

Vader played Slayer's cover last night? Am I or one of you crazy?
slayer song was thelast song they played. said something about being special nite before halloween blah blah blah... kinda makes me realy wanna go see slayer next week though.... ill actualy have money for that one and not have to sell myself this time!! i was lookin foward to headbanging outside though cause it woulda been funny as hell... all the posers who work there and shit woulda been like "what the fuck is his problem".... o well...

rumor was passed down to me that AA is attempting to start a viking tour of some kind with einherjer and unleashed and enslaved and all that shit... which is something that has always been on my mind as a dream tour of some kind... i sure as hell hope that works out!!!!!











To showcase Belgar's cooking skills, here is "Patrick Pizza" before and after pics:


Perhaps it was done intentionally, since AA did not play "Burning Creation" at our request.


If you don't see pics, please check again the following day. The free server that I'm using only allows so many viewings per day.

Yeah Belgar but you forgot the cocktail sausages (you know the small ones), salami and whatever ham of choice.
yep, definitely a good ahow on AA's part far too short. The mosh was awful, and the fat guy in the Immolation shirt was a cock. I got a pick from Oli, and managed to tell johan that i loved him...i then felt like a starstruck retard for the rest of the night.
there was a neat little amon amarth army headbanging in the back of a would be pit. Me, tomasz, belgar and a few others in AA gear had a blast...no thousand years, no victorious march...maybe next time.
The show was awesome, with the exception of Nile and Goatwhore. Extremely loud, but I suppose that is how metal shows should be. Apart from the wall-of-sound attack of those two bands, everyone was great.

I was headbanging like crazy during the AA set (in my Edge of Sanity shirt, heh), since they're my favorite band. Sadly, they played only six songs, but they all rocked. Amazing to see how many were headbanging in the pit during their set, even though most just stood around being bored/drunk.

I saw the drumstick fly, but was too far away to grab it. By the way, how does one get to see/talk with the band members? Johan Hegg looked like an extremely pissed-off Viking up on stage, and it would have been cool to meet him. The only one I saw wandering about was the Goatwhore vocalist.

Sadly, I think it's going to be another year before Amon Amarth comes back round...
Lets abuse this thread a bit.........Pizza Thread!!:D

Salad dressing on a pizza? The other stuff I really can imagine, but THAT?!

Btw, I don't to see the nutrition facts of this piece of fat, which could be really delicious.....When my oven works again, I just try it...with salad dressing:)
cherers CHEERS BEGALR i am drunk eisbaör dodewnr doesnt know how to make a pizza liek us manly folsk and i do repscet you evnethough ur not damih danish or italian!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goatwhore was alright, AA was great but so short, and I would have really enjoyed Victorious March, but oh well. Vader was great, Kreator was too. I was really dissapointed that Nile's set was so short because their computer was broken, but they were pretty good while they were on, although everyone left after Kreator.

I'm new here but I think I saw AxeOfDarkness there, were you wearing a Death shirt?
but I saw them in Ft. Lauderdale, and they were awesome - even better than the last time I saw them (like two years ago).