TANK - french band

I saw them live a few years ago (maybe 4? I think back then they were just TANK and not Think Of A New Kind...) but I really can't remember where, all I can recall is that if metalcore is not my style at all, they were quite good at what they did. However, there are some good ideas in the track you just posted, even if like you I'm not too fan of the production... I'll give a listen at what they did previously!

EDIT : In fact it was back in 2010, and they were promoting their first album just after switching from TANK to Think Of A New Kind!
(BTW the headliner was Misanthrope, which is such a great band live as much as it is on record, besides being really nice guys!)
i don't kow about their name history :) but they had big gigs in the past such as wacken, etc . and they will be on tour with soilwork and hatesphere soon. to be honest, i'm not fan, it's just a good band and only some of their songs are great to me, the others are pretty generic. i don't understand the production choice on this record really. seems quite old school in a bad way and the mix is confused. maybe it's just me!?
Good musicians and yeah, generic music but well performed. Don't like the production at all.