Tannoy monitor question

Skinny Viking

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
Oct 10, 2007
Ok so I was seriously thinking about upgraded my actual recording gear and then after many threads and a lot of reading I've decided it may just be in my best interest to upgrade my monitors and use extra $$$ towards acoustic treatment for my room.

SO! ...

I'm always hearing good things about these Tannoys. Right now I'm using some cheap ass Alesis monitors ... they're passive. My question is, is there a significant difference I should expect between, lets say, the Tannoy 501a Reveals which are active ($180 each) and the 601p which is passive ($125 each)... aside from the obvious size difference. If they were the same size, would it be better to invest and pay the little extra for active monitors, or since I already have a poweramp I'm using with my current ones, just go for the passives?

There, thats it I think

Thoughts / advise ?
Well, here is something completely unrelated well not really .....

Anyway I picked up a set of these Tannoy Monitors and didnt like them at all personally. Before those I had Alesis monitors and went back to them. I got my KRK5's a week ago and they are incredible. The Tannoys had this honkyness in the mids I didnt like at all.

Just my 2 cents.
I have the tannoy reveal 6d's that I upgraded from the KRK 8's.

Waaaaaaaay clearer and better bass response! Great upgrade if ya don't want to drop a few G's on monitors!

A good acoustically treated room i think outweighs what monitors you have. But you cant lose with good monitors and a good room!
Ya, why I got rid of them. They were just crazy honky in the mids like listening to music through a 57 :P ....lol

I do have to say I do love my new KRK's very happy with them. I do hear good things about the new Tannoys though, but from my previous experience I am jaded on them I guess :)