Tape recorder parts PLEASE HELP ME


New Metal Member
May 8, 2004
Costa Rica
Maybe you can help me with the tape recorder parts of the ISOT album. I'm not an english speaker, so it is hard to understand those parts. I would thank if some of you guys out there could help me with this.
I mean that I want someone to transcribe those parts. I want all the tape recorder parts, from all the songs. I just want to get the WHOLE feeling of the album THANKS

Keep it real :headbang:
MetalBanger said:
Why do you need it anyway?
I can hear it clear.

Fabianramosc said:
I'm not an english speaker, so it is hard to understand those parts.

I personally don't have the cd, so if someone could please transcribe these for him. This is like the third time he's posted this thread and now I'm starting to get interested in what they say on the tape recording threads.
Ok, this is the tape recording part in The Masterplan:

"I have decided to keep this tape recorder with me at all times. Just so that I maybe one day can explain all the strange things happening to me. The lack of sleep...the loss of time. But most of all, the sensation of never being lonely...always being watched..."
Thanks guys.
But I fully understand the Masterplan tape recorder part.
I MEAN the OTHER parts from the other songs. There are words that I miss or I dont get.
I posted this three times because I always got the Masterplan part.
I need the other parts.

Thank You Guys

EVERGREY RULZ :headbang:
Yes, I believe there are some in
Mark Of The Triangle
Different Worlds
and Misled
But I don't know what it says correctly...
I need the OTHER parts. At this moment I dont recall the song or the exact time.
Maybe the parts are in:
Mark Of The Triangle
Different Worlds
and Misled

For example, try to recall the "Please dont touch me" part. There are words I can`t get. Or the part in which you hear "...one, two, three" at the end of the spoken part.
Or "this is my reality, I'm one of the lost children"

Thank You :headbang:
This is as good as I can make it right know. If anyone can fill in the blanks then be my guest.

Rulers of the Mind: "I have a mystery. ... (sorry, can't hear this). I have been stripped of all value. Deprived of all pride. I'm worth nothing here. My body's become my prison. And they are the guards. Forever locked in. And with no way out. This is my reality, I'm one of the lost children."

Mark of the Triangle: "Relax, going to remember everything that happened, you're going to see it clearly. Without fear, ... (can't make this out).When I count to three, I want you to remember the first time/night you saw...(those things?) One, two, three"

Dark Water: "I am not crazy, it's just my mind * 3"

Different Worlds: "Oh my god it's happening again, they're here. (Can't make this one out either), Oh, Please don't touch me. Where are you taking me? I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be here, I wanna go home. Oh please don't touch me, please don't touch me, I wanna go home."

Misled: "I'm crawling back to sleep. And I still can't believe"
Strahd said:
This is as good as I can make it right know. If anyone can fill in the blanks then be my guest.

Rulers of the Mind: "I have a mystery. They've never cought my past. (I think)
I have been stripped of all value. Deprived of all pride. I'm worth nothing here. My body's become my prison. And they are the guards. Forever locked in. And with no way out. This is my reality, I'm one of the lost children."

Mark of the Triangle: "Relax, going to remember everything that happened, you're going to see it clearly. Without fear, ... (can't make this out).When I count to three, I want you to remember the first time/night you saw...(those things?) One, two, three"

Dark Water: "I am not crazy, it's just my mind * 3"

Different Worlds: "Oh my god it's happening again, they're here. (Can't make this one out either), Oh, Please don't touch me. Where are you taking me? I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be here, I wanna go home. Oh please don't touch me, please don't touch me, I wanna go home."

Misled: "I'm crawling back to sleep. And I still can't believe"

I think is They´ve never cought my past???